(Meet Mago Contributor) Vajra Ma

U-Lead Systems, Inc.Vajra Ma is the leading pioneer of subtle-body and womb awakening in the Goddess Spirituality movement. She has designed and facilitated women’s ritual since 1986, integrating Goddess knowledge and feminist spirituality with experiential body wisdom (the conscious awareness of subtle body energies) to forge Woman Mysteries of the Ancient Future Sisterhood, a modern mystery school and Priestess lineage based in the devotional, womb-sourced moving meditation she originated, The Tantric Dance of Feminine Powe®: The Tantric Dance of Feminine Power evolved through decades of Vajra Ma’s personal work from the innate power and wisdom of woman’s body. It is the source work for many “tantric dance of” derivatives. She has developed demanding priestess training programs in her Woman Mysteries priestess lineage. Aside from her own books, The Tantric Dance of Feminine Power (1996) and From a Hidden Stream: The Natural Spiritual Authority of Woman (2010), Vajra Ma is featured in the anthologies: Daughters of the Goddess: Studies in Healing, Identity and Empowerment (2000), The Heart of the Sun: An Anthology in Exaltation of Sekhmet (2011) and Stepping Into Ourselvse: An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses (2014).

Her work has been the subject of scholarly papers presented at national conferences on religion. Rev Vajra Ma is an ordained Dianic Priestess of Women’s Mysteries since 1992, with ministerial credentials through The Temple of Diana. She is an accomplished actor with an extensive background in dance, vocal studies and a BA and two years graduate work in theatre arts.

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