Robin lives and writes in Winnipeg, Canada. You can find her on Twitter, @Lucid1993 or read her blog at:
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(Essay) The Students of Life and Death by Robin Stimpson
I am a woman on a barren path. A deep chasm is before me, a bottomless wound in the Earth. By a tangle of dry roots, the very last of what is alive on Earth clings to the edge of the pit. It is Jasmine. The scent is so beautiful.…
In "Goddess"

Meet Mago Contributor, Robin Scofield
Robin Scofield is the author of And the Ass Saw the Angel and Sunflower Cantos from Mouthfeel Press. She has poems appearing or forthcoming in Pilgrimage, Cedilla Six, Interstice, and Mezcla II. She is a poetry editor for BorderSenses who lives in El Paso and writes regularly with the Tumblewords Project. “The Ballad of Cantalily” is included in Sunflower Cantos, published…
In "Goddess"

(Poem) The Snot-Nosed Goddess: Tlazolteotl by Robin Scofield
refuses to be refused or refuse while her rubber mouth sews words like dunderhead, and dung beetles center daily meditations in dead leaves, industry for nothing, black munchers firing up decay in the sun’s macrowave, slipping the new moon out of an old skin. She is homely as a…
In "Goddess"