Dear Contributors,
Do you know that Return to Mago (RTM) E*Magazine is entering its fifth year this fall? And, thanks to our collective effort, we are still growing! As of today, our contributors have grown to more than 130 in number and our readership is from about 140 countries around the world. We have some hundred email followers as well as WordPress blog followers. We draw 3000-4000 clicks per month on average; that is no small accomplishment for a Goddess blog that is named after a yet-to-be heard word, Mago (the Great Goddess), and that began from scratch.
Four years ago, no one, including myself, would have imagined Return to Mago would grow into something that we see now. Look at our contributors; we are writers, scholars, researchers, poets, artists, priestesses, wisdom seekers, community builders, environmentalists, educators, and activists. We are predominantly women but we have not excluded men. And we write from around the globe, from the North and the South and from the East to the West. Multiculturalism and diversity have become the hallmark of RTM.
As a young spiritual apprentice in my late 20s and 30s, I cherished the maxim that goes like this: “The tree that looks up at the sun grows without limit.” As founding director, I did not look around or down. Together with our volunteer editors and bloggers, previous and current, RTM, while looking up at the sun, has grown to a lush and beautiful tree.
We have passed the critical years for survival and now dream to thrive with you, our contributors, in our arms. We want to strengthen our roots. And you as contributors are also our roots. Your growth will be RTM’s growth, and vice versa. RTM wants to ask you what RTM can do on your behalf. We editors, Patricia ‘Iolana, Rosemary Mattingley, and myself, will do our best to plan and implement the biggest potentials that we can be. That is why we are here together in RTM at the time of ever escalated planetary degradations. We are not doing RTM accidentally. The consciousness of WE in S/HE that RTM seeks to cultivate collectively shapes us to become what we are. We must rise for all in WE! And all is One in HER!
On behalf of RTM Editors and Bloggers,
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
Founding Director and Co-editor
RTM Editorial Circle announces the following:
We strongly encourage active participation by our contributors: read and comment on posts other than one’s own.
We editors request new contributors to read and comment on at least three previously published posts prior to the submission of their first post. We strongly recommend that current contributors engage in RTM activities by reading and commenting on at least one post by someone else on a weekly basis. Your support will help us all greatly!
And we will publish the contribution of our ongoing contributors in a prompt manner through a fast track schedule, TBA.
RTM Editors will create and send a monthly newsletter to our contributors, supporters, and readers. Each month, we will highlight, one by one or group by group, Featured Contributors, Ongoing Contributors, World Section Contributors, and Guest Contributors.
For that, we are seeking short writings from you on these two topic questions: What does it mean to be a RTM Contributor? Why am I committed to RTM as a contributor? Tell us what it means to be a RTM contributor for you, wherever you are located and however frequently you have written for RTM, and/or why you are committed to the mission of RTM, which is to collectively cultivate the consciousness of WE in S/HE. Your shared thoughts and words are our resources to burn the fire.
See (Special Post) What It Means to Be Co-Founder of RTM by Rosemary Mattingley
See (Special Post) Why I am committed to RTM as Executive Editor by Rev Dr Patricia ‘Iolana
Also if you want to update your RTM contributor’s post, please email Rev Dr Patricia ‘Iolana (IolanaAtMago@Hotmail.com, Executive Editor) and Dr Helen Hye-Sook Hwang (magoism@gmail.com, Founding Director and Co-editor).
Please consider yourself under one of the following four categories and let us know when you submit your next contribution.
RTM Editors are currently developing a manual for our contributors can use to navigate in writing, supporting, and stay connected in and through the RTM collective, TBA.
Four Categories of Contributors: Please consider yourself under one of the four categories (Featured Contributors, Ongoing Contributors, World Section Contributors, and Guest Contributors) and indicate it in your submission. All contributors will be listed in the Contributors’ Page and sidebar widgets, as follows:
- Featured Contributor (FC): At least once per month substantive contribution AND be visible by commenting, liking, and/or reblogging your posts. RTM designates FC in the sidebar widget with a thumbnail image, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- Ongoing Contributor (OC): At least bimonthly contribution AND be visible on the website and/or social media. RTM designates OC in the sidebar, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- World Section Contributor (WSC): WSC is good for you if you would like to contribute occasionally. If you are located in Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas, Australia or elsewhere and/or if English is not your mother tongue (thus you can bring conceptual/cultural diversity), you can become a World Section Contributor. Bimonthly contribution is recommended but not mandatory. RTM designates WSC in the side bar (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia, Europe), to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- Guest Contributor (GC): If you are new and/or if you can make a contribution twice per year, you will be listed as GC on the Contributors’ Page.
You can submit as many as 6 contributions simultaneously. All sequels are published weekly back to back.
For questions, please contact our editorial staff at IolanaAtMago@hotmail.com. Thank you for considering Return to Mago E*Magazine, a division of The Mago Work.
Read Call for Special Topics Contributions here.