[Author’s Note: This poem was an offshoot of an essay on Magoist Calendar and Nine Numerology, to be included in the forthcoming anthology, Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess (Mago Books, 2017). I thank Genevieve Vaughan, Danica Anderson, and Harriet Ann Ellenbeger who have given me feedback to the article and inspiration to this poem.]
Mago Calendar is the umbilical cord of the Great Goddess,
the umbilical cord that re-members the Beginning Story of us all terrestrial beings,
that enables the one and many songs/dances of the Earth,
and that nourishes the human world to sing the chorus to the cosmic lullaby.
Mago Calendar is the grand wheel of the Great Mother,
the grand wheel that spirals the inter-cosmic orbit of truth, goodness, and beauty,
that carries all earthlings to the fullest becoming,
and that builds bridges into the inter-protonic galaxies.
Mago Calendar is the everlasting blessing of the Nine Mago Creatrix,
the everlasting blessing that scripts the ecstasy of Heavenly Numerology,
that charts the Earth’s metamorphosis from the infinite to the physical,
and that unfolds the Reality of the Mago Time, WE/HERE/NOW.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Helen Hye-Sook Hwang.
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Helen, this is a beautiful and very moving poem – There is a cosmic sense of inclusion that makes this poem so special.
Thanks so much for your feedback, Sara. This poem contains the midpoint message of the article that I am writing. Revelation after revelation that I was experiencing. It is a topic that we women have been excluded from, I realize. We are getting it back.
We are getting it back thanks to people like you – thanks ever so much Helen.
Mutual appreciation and gratitude, Sara! Last night, I was checking the possibility of restoring Magoist Calendar by checking 2018 Equinoxes and Solstices and translate them into 13 months/28 days Magoist Calendar. I was able to find four days: 3/23, 7/4, 10/13, and 13/19. Calculating hours of those four seasonal marks will be far more tedious, and I will have to continue. My heart was pounding over my exhausted body thinking that I may be able to restore it for 2018 Mago Work calendar.
Your ideas are wonderful BUT don’t rush please – it’s too much the way of today’s culture – what you are doing has meaning and that’s what is important for all of us. Don’t do what I did – don’t exhaust your body.
Blessings – Sara