(Poem) Birth of Aphrodite #2 by Donna Snyder

Small breasts and fat rolls
Body of an immortal beauty
The goddess of love and righteous indignation

She rose fleshy and pristine from the foam of the infinite sea
Unlike her sister Athena
who sprang from the imperfect brow of the father god
Aphrodite is unmeasured and without flaw

Small breasts and fat rolls
The image transcends the span of centuries
I feel flesh beneath my fingers
Smell and taste the abundant flesh against my face

Small breasts and fat rolls
Blood and breath dance through my mortal body
I close my eyes and dream in mother of pearl

This poem was previously included in “I Am South,” my chapbook published in 2010 by VirgoGray Press.

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7 thoughts on “(Poem) Birth of Aphrodite #2 by Donna Snyder”

  1. The statue is gorgeous & the poem is what my tumblr is about — do you know where the original of that image is located? I’d love to feature it, with a crediting link to this post as well.

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