Precious Body
I gave you away
(we gave you away)
Cast you before swine.
Precious Pearl, the Self … Embodied
I delivered you to the pyre
(we were delivered, delivered ourselves)
I bound your feet
(we were bound, bound ourselves)
I mutilated your genitals … your my our sacred yoni
(we were mutilated, mutilated ourselves … why do whales beach themselves?)
I denied your knowledge
(we were denied, we denied … all of it)
Truly I played dumb, felt dumb
(we played dumb, felt dumb, were told we were dumb, were not addressed)
I did not speak to you, I did not hear you
(we did not speak to ourselves, were not spoken to, did not hear, were not heard)
I starved myself
(we starved ourselves, we were starved)
I pretended I was not there/here … would the world be better then?
(we pretended we were not there/here, we were just shells, vacuous, empty)
Where was Our Mother?
(where were we, what kind of monster was Our Father?)
Why did we not raise up ….. an army?
Why did we not say no?
(we did say no)
As our blood spilled out
our bodies/minds burned, corsetted, bound, probed
our spirits quelled
we hoped, as mothers do, that Marduk would mend his ways
that the Son of the Mother would remember Himself.
Glenys Livingstone 1995
So moving, so effective.
Easy to read. Difficult to read. So true.