Elaine Drew has worked as a writer, designer and illustrator for longer than she cares to admit. She recently published Nun Too Clever, a mystery centred on the unexpected death of a nun. If you’ve read any fairytales you may have asked yourself what life would be like—ten years on—for the lucky maiden who marries the prince. Nun Too Clever attempts to answer that question. A nun is dead, and no one knows why. A precious relic is stolen, and a village girl goes missing. The queen wants to sort it all out before her bossy husband returns from the battlefront and gets all the credit.
Elaine Drew became fascinated with early medieval life while living in England for four years. “My children went to the local village school, and when Saxon remains were found on the playground, I wondered what might lie beneath the soil in our garden. I knew that the nearby town of Winchester had been home to 9th century kings. Living in the area gave me the opportunity to research that time and place. I visited sites, attended archeology classes at Southampton University and studied Old English.”
Her first book, Courting Trouble, is a romantic comedy that turns the Cinderella tale on its head. Far from being picked on, this Cinderella is a sassy and rebellious teenager who hatches a scheme to infiltrate the palace and learns more about a royal court than she expected.
Elaine Drew illustrated Tales in the Night Sky, a mythical introduction to star gazing. Her work is included in the college level textbook The Adobe Illustrator CS6 Wow! Book, and she wrote and illustrated the critically acclaimed blog The Daily Dreamer under the pseudonym Carla Young. Her egg tempera and gold leaf paintings explore mythical and dream material. Drew wrote corporate publications for General Electric and manuals for computer companies, including IBM. She has had short humorous pieces and poetry published in England. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and on the Board of Tri-Valley Writers. Learn more about Elaine Drew at ElaineDrew.com.