Women have a natural born intuition, a sensing, a deep knowing that we have largely been disconnected from and we are seeking ways to get back in touch with our primal feminine core. Our primal nature is embedded in the code of our DNA, it is our life force, the root of our being and by re-connecting and awakening our primal womb energy, we can begin to discover the common link that binds all women, past, present future. We can also gain insight as to our true nature and to our truth and purpose upon this earth, which can lead us to remember the source of ourselves, and all that surrounds us. For me, painting is a direct tool that can be used to access this part of ourself – our innermost soul; the core of our being. The painting shown here was done as part of my ‘Primal Feminine Essence’ workshops that incorporate trance dance and painting. The Primal Process is about stripping back to basics, letting go of fear, embracing trust and just simply mark making just like the ancients did so long ago with tools and oxides made from the earth. From the mark making a story is developed using symbols and patterns and our Primal Self then emerges. The story here is my own creation story and it reads from left to right. The lake feeds the womb below it, which then feeds the people dancing whose tracks lead back to the lake where they gather to fish. The lake is fed by the waterfall behind that stretches far left over the mountains to the ocean. In the centre of her dress are two lovers in the dance of life and the spiral wheel to the right represents the drumbeat/heartbeat. There are a number of things that appeared here including a wolf pup face. Can you see him?
Read Meet Mago Contributor Jassy Watson.
Your painting is beautiful in both meaning and asthetically , the discovery of one’s own primal woman is a unique and sacred experience – how you achieve this so creatively is all credit to you and the ancients!!! Love your work !