A star and the moon through
bamboo blinds and even
the dogs stir and mumble
from their beds, and I
have to get up and tell
them to quiet, and I
know that this night
shivers and quivers in
the strange full glow
of that moon whose
insanity is slipping through
the splits in my blinds,
and my light fluxes
from bright to dim.
I realize that I want
to leave everything behind
out of pure necessity.
I feel the pull of
shifting currents, and
the lone star collapses
from the sky, and I
realize it’s all in my
We are living out of
synch as a civilization.
We follow patterns
that are mechanical
and never change.
They are rigid and strict,
but nature is always
in flux and changing
whether it be
fast or slow.
The sand in the dunes
flows and forms new
waves in the span of
years, while the crashing
waves of the sea
pealing off in steady
rhythm do so never the
same way twice.
How then are we suppose
to live our lives in a
quick rigid march and
keep alive the connection
between the earth
and universe and man?
We keep track of her
cycles but pay no respect
to the changes. Do we
think we are somehow
above the earth? Are
we not affected by
this universe? I believe
there is no disconnection.
We are one and the