(Meet Mago Contributor) Sara Wright

Sara is a Jungian therapist, a naturalist, ethologist, ritual artist, animist, and a writer who lives in the western mountains of Maine and writes about animals and plants in Nature, and the relationship between Nature and herself. She has Native American Roots.

I am a naturalist and a writer; I live in a little log cabin in the woods by a brook with two small dogs and two doves. I write stories about the animals and plants that live here on my property in the western mountains of Maine and publish them regularly in my nature column in the local paper. I am also an independent black bear researcher who uses “trust based” research to study the bears that have visited me here. Trust based research/fieldwork allows me to apprentice myself to Nature through any of its individuals if they are willing. I am the student; each species is the teacher. I have Native American roots, which may or may not be why I have dedicated my life to speaking out on behalf of the slaughtered trees, dying plants and disappearing animals. This is the only work that matters to me.

“Over the Edge and Beyond: Journal of a Naturalist”

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8 thoughts on “(Meet Mago Contributor) Sara Wright”

  1. I love this piece. A beautiful reminder of the vision we can hold, to bring back true connection to and love for the land.

  2. Thank you Helen for posting this story today…it took me back to early spring when the snow still lay heavy on the earth… as it turned out this was a pussy willow year and later I not only found a bull dozed clump … others were hidden elsewhere – but this first sighting remains special…

  3. The Maya and Taino indigenous natives believe that our consciousness has a star form, and that our bodies are here, but that we also…dance in the heavens.
    And so, beings have those forms in the sky.

  4. gosh I don’t have any books of poetry – I just publish poems as they come. I would like to create a book but just haven’t gotten there! Thanks. I can give you my blog address – plenty of poems on there : sarawrightnature.wordpress.com

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