Alcanza la niebla

Nace de la piedra
La mujer inmóvil
Con el vientre atravesado
De barro rojo
Y los senos llenos
Incrustado en el alma
Lleva un relicario de cabello
E hilos de seda
Movimiento suave
La hace flotar
Con palabras rojas
Y la luna tatuada en el pecho
La mujer de senos llenos
Y canciones suaves
Alcanza la niebla
(Granada, Andalucía, España, verano de 2012)
She Reaches the Fog
By Xánath Caraza (Translated by Sandra Kingery)
Born of stone
The immobile woman
Her stomach crossed
With red mud
And her breasts full
Inlaid in her soul
She wears a reliquary of hair
And silk threads
Gentle movement
Makes her float
With red words
And the moon tattooed on her chest
The woman of the full breasts
And gentle songs
Reaches the fog
(Granada, Andalusia, Spain, Summer 2012)
Read Meet Mago Contributor Xánath Caraza and Meet Mago Contributor Adriana Manuela Ruiz Gómez.
Powerful and beautiful. I am reminded if my feminine strength, thank you.