(Poem) My Lady: A poem written for Love by Sara Wright

SWMy Lady is a Messenger;

her peaked cap,

breast and body

tinted the palest rose.

A bittersweet orange beak

cracks scattered seed.


My Lady is a Messenger:

Never ours to own

She comes and goes

from earth to cosmos

crossing Time at will.


My Lady is a Messenger

When offering the Gift of Hope,

She glows blue and green at midnight.

Red ground receives her prayers,

simple Love songs revive her…


My Lady is a Messenger

The Splendor of Nature

bleeds out on wings of  flaming Fire.

Tread lightly around “Desire,”

that double edged sword.


My Lady is a Messenger

crowned by stars.

Spiral galaxies are her womb.

Her Sister Earth heals heartbreak,

cleanses troubled waters.


SW Image for MY Lady 2My Lady is a Messenger

When silence is what we know

She flies in

as bird—or goddess

The comforting whir of angel wings

the song she sings of home.


January 11, 2015

Read Meet Mago Contributor Sara Wright.

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