(Spanish/English Poem 1) Excerpts from Tinta negra/Black Ink by Xánath Caraza

Transformación, © Xánath Caraza

[Author’s Note: these poems are from my new manuscript, Tinta negra/Black Ink. The poems do not have titles; they are simply numbered. Both poems were originally written in Spanish and translated into English by Sandra Kingery.]



Cazo la luna azul de julio

Lluvia de dolorosa luz

Penetrante mirada encuentro

Ciervo despreocupado

Compañero de la noche

Fluye de sus pupilas ritmo

Escucha, siente el latir del corazón

No todo está perdido

Oleaje embravecido en la distancia

Nueva corriente arrecia

No todo se ha olvidado

Brilla la nocturna esperanza

Bajo la luna azul



I hunt the blue moon of July

Drizzle of mournful light

Penetrating gaze I find

Impervious stag

Companion of the night

Rhythm flows from its pupils

It listens, feeling the beat of its heart

Not everything is lost

Rough waves in the distance

New current intensifies

Not everything is forgotten

Nocturnal hope shines

Beneath the blue moon


(Translated by Sandra Kingery: Sandra Kingery, Professor of Spanish at Lycoming College, has translated the work of Ana María Moix, René Vázquez Díaz, Liliana Colanzi, Federico Guzmán Rubio, and Kepa Murua.)


See (Meet Mago Contributor) Xanath Caraza.


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