It took many years for me to pronounce the communal nature of the Mago Work. Defining the Mago Work necessarily endows us with the bird’s eye view of the Great Goddess, the primordial consciousness of WE in S/HE. Early this year, I asked people to define the Mago Work and their definitions are illuminating about what this book ultimately seeks to achieve.[1]
“The Mago Work is the communal labour of bringing to birth, nurturing and growing the awareness of Goddess in human beings and in the Universe.” Mary Ann Beavis
“Named in honor of the Great Goddess (Mago), the Mago Work refers to the communal process of re-turning human life to the music of the Cosmos.” Harriet Ann Ellenberger
“The Mago work sees through and beyond the fragments of destructive patriarchy to healing the connected whole of the planet, its ecosystems, and its people.” Mary Petiet
“The Mago work is knowing in our bones that She is alive, present and interactive.” Morgaine Swann
“The Mago Work is to bring back human awareness of the Living Goddess of whom we are all a part.” Morgaine Swann
“The Mago Work is we and what we do to awaken the remembrance of this in all.” Anna Tzanova
“The Mago Work is healing for the Female Collective Spirit.” Alicia Hirschhorn
“The Mago Work is healing for the Fe/Male Collective Spirit.” Deirdre Cruickshank
“The Mago Work is the Goddess Returning.” Tania Sirota
“The Mago Work is coming into alignment with the umbilical energetic cord that nurtures my female spirit hiding deep within my womb; so that She can awaken from within and do the magical Healing that She is so very capable of doing; at the same time inspiring women to awaken from within as well. Being connected to Mago means having the divine creative force available to us; we have access to unlimited power and it is calling us from Within our wombs.” Marie de Kock
“The Mago Work is quest for the true history and origins of humanity for the principles of ancient matricentric cultures that fostered harmony among people and with Earth and all Her brings, and for the practices that we can carry forward to re-establish a society founded in harmonious resonance with all of Life.” Marka Zenmyo
“The Mago Work is revitalizing of the life force of the Primordial Mother that has been buried under patriarchy, the unified source of energy that restores nature’s power of self-healing in and across individuals, groups, and species.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is the collective cultivation of the consciousness of WE in the Creatrix.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work restores the consciousness of WE in S/HE, the ultimate taboo in patriarchy.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work restores kinship of all beings and cultures in the Primordial Mother.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work rewrites patriarchal cultures as a derivative of the older gynocentric matrix.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is an advocacy of the Great Goddess.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is the counter-measurement to the destructive force of patriarchy.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is the collective wheel building that allows all to run one’s own course.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is healing for terrestrial species.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is a re-tuning of everything to the cosmic music.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work summons a gynocentric economy to take shape.” Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“The Mago Work is the primordial knowing originating from the Great Goddess, Mago, which advocates feminist and spirituality-based activism, promotes creative and sound research, supports awareness of oneness of all entities in the universe across differences of sex, culture, race, ethnicity, class, ability and species and seeks to create a world that is non-ethnocentric, non-racist, non-capitalist, non-imperialist and counter-patriarchal.” Mago Sisters
See Meet Mago Contributor, Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D.
[1] Such conversations took place via email and The Mago Circle, Facebook group, from January through April, 2016.