RTM Editorial Circle is pleased to announce the following:
- Call for Contributions for Special Topics
- Four Categories of Contributors
Have you check out the new look in our website? We have several new features on the sidebar widgests. Look forward to our creativities to bloom despite the devastating signs around us and globally. It is the time that WE shine and guide the mind/heart/soul in an ever more visible way! May the Mago Work connect and empower each of us in a special way!
Call for Contributions for Special Topics: Have you contributed to Return to Mago E*Magazine before? We’d love to hear from you again! Are you new to Return to Mago E*Magazine? Our experienced and enthusiastic team will be delighted to hear from you.
RTM editors are seeking contributions on the following five special topics categories:
–Goddess Feminism: How does your feminism shapes your understanding of the female divine/Mago? Or your question.
–Goddess Activism: How does your Goddessim/Magoism prompts you to change for yourself and the world? Or your question.
–Goddess Spirituality: What prompts your Goddess/Mago spirituality? Or your question.
–Goddess Manifestation: How does Mago/Goddess manifest in your daily life? Or your question.
–Magoism, Consciousness of WE in S/HE: Why is significant/empowering/indispensable the consciousness of WE in S/HE (the Great Goddess/Primordial Mother/Creatrix) for you and the world?
Your contributions, categorized under one of the Special Topics, will be given a prime attention for visibility and circulation. They may include prose, a poem, art, video, music, a combination of any of these, or something we’ve never thought of. While this call is directed specifically to Special Topics, it does not exclude contributions on alternate subject matter.
Primary Deadline: November 30, 2016.
We gladly consider all submissions on a rolling basis. For all submission, include an image with the copyright information. We no longer need to ask 3-5 keywords/tags. Your name will be the tag word. For details, please See Basic Guidelines for submission here.
Four Categories of Contributors: Please consider yourself under one of the four categories (Featured Contributors, Ongoing Contributors, World Section Contributors and Guest Contributors) and indicate it in your submission. All contributors will be listed in the Contributors Page and sidebar widgets, as follows:
- Featured Contributor (FC): At least once per month substantive contribution AND be visible by commenting, liking, and/or reblogging your posts. RTM designates FC in the sidebar widget with a thumbnail image, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- Ongoing Contributor (OC): At least bimonthly contribution AND be visible on the website and/or social media. RTM designates OC in the sidebar, to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- World Section Contributor (WSC): WSC is good for you if you would like to contribute occasionally. If you are located in Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas, Australia or elsewhere and/or if English is not your mother tongue (thus you can bring conceptual/cultural diversity), you can become a World Section Contributor. Bimonthly contribution is recommended but not mandatory. RTM designates WSC in the side bar (Africa, Asia, Americas, Australia, Europe), to be linked with your RTM oeuvre.
- Guest Contributor (GC): If you are new and/or if you can make a contribution twice per year, you will be listed as GC on the Contributor’s Page.
You can submit as many as 6 contributions simultaneously. All sequels are published weekly back to back.
For questions, please contact our editorial staff at IolanaAtMago@hotmail.com. Thank you for considering Return to Mago E*Magazine, a division of The Mago Work.
The Mago Work, Magoism: the Way of WE in S/HE
Our Vision & Intention
Magoism, the Way of WE in S/HE, promotes the Primordial Knowing originating from the Great Goddess, Mago. Our vision and intention is to advocate for feminist and spiritually-based activism and to promote creative and scholarly work that supports the awareness of the oneness of all entities in the universe. Our hope is to reclaim the WE in S/HE, uniting all beings across differences of gender, culture, race, ethnicity, class, ability, and species. In doing so, we seek to create a world that is non-ethnocentric, non-racist, non-capitalist, non-imperialistic, and counter-patriarchal.
Read more on Return to Mago E*Magazine!