Read all posts by Luciana Percovich.
A member of the Italian Feminist Movement since the Seventies, she has lived and worked in Milano as a teacher, an editor, a translator and an author, before leaving for the country.
She is part of the Libera Università delle Donne di Milano (, director of a series of books on women’s history and spirituality (, and contributor to women’s reviews on women’s health, science, anthropology and mythology.
Her main books are: La coscienza nel corpo. Donne, salute e medicina negli anni Settanta, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005; Oscure Madri Splendenti. Le origini dl sacro e delle religioni, Venexia, Roma, 2007; Colei che dà la vita, Colei che dà la forma. Miti di creazione femminili, Venexia, Roma, 2009.
Read her published posts from the recent:
(Essay) The Temple and the Forest by Luciana Percovich
(Italian language essay) Corea: la Musica cosmica di Mago by Luciana Percovich
(Essay) The Temple and the Forest by Luciana Percovich
(Italian language essay) Corea: la Musica cosmica di Mago by Luciana Percovich