The Year 2016 is coming to a close. It is a time of endings and a time of beginnings. That is the wonderful thing about our cycles. We all have the opportunity to end and begin – over and over. Each day, each month and each year. We all scurry about making resolutions for the new year only to see them fail almost immediately.
This is where a good basic magical practice can lend a hand with our resolutions. In every magical act, we must first know what it is we wish to manifest. I am not talking some empty wish here but a real look at what we want – really want – for the new year to bring.
If there were one thing I would say needs to be given the most attention in one’s magical practice, it is the Art of Becoming.
When we cast our Circle and invite the Elements, in truth, they are already there. It is within ourselves that we must become those Elements to feel their presence in our Circle. This is why we need to spend so much time studying them, for when the studies are finished, we then must learn to feel them, embody them and, finally, to project them out to others.
It is the same when aspecting a Goddess – we must become Her. The only way to do that is to first know Her, not just from books and other references, but from our own personal experience as we embody Her.
In my healing method, which I call Annym Billagh (the spirit of trees), one learns the healing energies of trees by becoming those trees, by feeling them within and projecting their healing energies onto someone else.
When a member of a Native American tribe dances an animal, he is not just imitating that animal, he is becoming the animal in the dance.
When a dancer wishes to portray an image in her dance, she must become that image. When an artist paints, he first learns what it is he wishes to paint. He learns so well that what he wants to paint becomes a part of him and then it is moved onto the paper. When an actor portrays a character on the stage or on film, she must first become that character.
So it is in magical practice. When we have a desire, when we wish something to be in our lives, we have to feel and be in that state in order to manifest it in the world of form. We must become our desire.
So, if we wish to bring in something real with the New Year, becoming takes on vital importance. This year is coming to a close. As with all endings, it is a beginning.
This year, my Circle is honoring Frigga. The Goddess Frigga sits within Her hall and spins thread for the Norns to weave into the great tapestry of all life. She never reveals what is in the thread She spins, but we can tell Her of our dreams and ask Her to spin them into the thread of our life, if She will.
Frigga’s thread is the substance of becoming. We can ask for Her thread and once we have it, we can take it and shape it, and manifest what is to come in our lives. What will you do with the thread Frigga gives you?
What do you need to know to become your desire in the coming year? Do you have a clear image of what it is you wish to become? Do you have a plan for becoming your desires? Will you be able to take the thread that Frigga has given you, and, with your own full embodiment of that desire, manifest your dreams in the New Year?
May it be so! May all Blessings be yours in 2017 and may it be a Year of Becoming all that you can be.
Meet Mago Contributor Deanne Quarrie.
Deanne Quarrie. D. Min. is a Priestess of the Goddess. She is the author of five books. She is the founder of the Apple Branch where she teaches courses in Feminist Dianic Witchcraft and Dianic Faerie Craft. She mentors those who wish to serve others in their communities. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Ocean Seminary College and is the founder of Global Goddess, a worldwide organization open to all women who honor some form of the divine feminine.