That declaration of readiness,
no matter what the outcome, that’s a part of everyone’s soul. We all are motivated by deep impulses and deep appetites to serve, even though we may not be able to locate that which we are hoping to serve. So this is just a part of my nature and I think everybody else’s nature to offer oneself at the critical moment when the emergency becomes articulate. It’s only when the emergency becomes articulate that we can locate that willingness to serve. [pause] That’s getting too heavy. I’m sorry. Strike that! Leonard Cohen
Dear Ones,
This is Leonard Cohen’s explanation of the word Hineni. “Hineni” was Moses’ response to God in the form of the Burning Bush. “Hineni”. I am here. I am ready. – from his last album, You Want It Darker. Rest In Peace dear poet who taught me so many things….and with this quote have made it all so real where we are.
This painting is an I am Ready kind of image for me….
Meet Mago Contributor, Shiloh Sophia.