we wore white flowing cotton
shirts, pants, skirts
a circle of white petunias
we danced without speaking
made soft, quiet movements
to usher in the new light
our bodies coming close
arms embracing those on our left and right
then backing away…advancing…
receding again…
a kaleidoscope of white
each person lit a small candle in the center
and let it float in the unknown
then struck a pose
the energy shape we wanted
to bring into the new year
i raised my arms high to protect a small child
sitting on my shoulders
others made different symbols
when the music ended
we embraced each person slowly
soft envelopes of love
our hearts open lockets
revealing unspoken messages
a tender farewell
[Anthor’s Note: This poem was inspired by a circle dance I attended at the Unitarian Church in Vancouver, Canada in January 2017 facillitated by Corinne Chepil. Corinne called the event “White Night.” Before the event, she told us to wear white clothing and shared her poetic vision of the event: “Dressed in white we will dance to honour the light returning and to symbolically bring more light into the world, visually creating a ‘clean slate’ or ‘blank palette’ to dance our New Year’s visions upon.”]
Lovely poem Andrea, but I wonder about using the color white at First Light. In pre-Christian mythology the color white often symbolizes death. This is the time of year when we begin to watch for the greening… In Maine where I live we are still under mountains of snow… but here in the mountains of New Mexico pale green shoots are already visible.
Just read your comment. Thanks for it. Yes that is a good point.