Guadalupe has an arm around quotidian Mary
they have begun to howl not worrying
that the moon is not in the right phase
it’ll come says the second Mary
when we reach BE
elemental quintessential
that is what matters
–Susan Hawthorne, “wolf pack” in Lupa and Lamb (Spinifex Press, 2014)
30 January 2017 BE (Biophilic Era, time of the life-lovers)
It’s been nearly a year since my last posting, and in that time I’ve gone from bordering-on-blindness to being far-sighted for the first time in my life. In the meantime, the earth’s frequency/vibration increased, and on the December 2016 solstice we crossed over the threshold into a new cosmic cycle.
Earlier this month, when I had begun reading again, I snooped around in Susan Hawthorne’s Lupa and Lamb because I was in the mood for a trans-temporal party and that’s what this book of hers is. In the lines quoted above, “quotidian Mary” and “second Mary” refer to Mary Daly, whose books I was also pulling out from the shelves. Mary Daly was a phone friend of mine for a few years after Amazon Grace came out, and, like most of the friends I’ve made this lifetime, she is not in her body at this time. If you want the particular form of mental stimulation she provides, you’ve got to invoke her or reread the books she left behind.
It was Mary Daly’s idea to stick “BE” after the day’s date, “BE” being short for “Biophilic Era,” a name she invented. It was my idea to lengthen the name to “Biophilic Era, time of the life-lovers” because I like the lush sound of it.

On 21 January 2017 BE, over 600 women’s marches for justice took place on seven continents. Together, they constituted the largest popular protest in human history, and they proved a natural umbrella for anyone choosing to resist 21st-century fascism.
The following morning, Prensa Libre, Guatemala’s foremost newspaper, featured the women’s resistance on its front page. In the foreground of their photo of the DC march, many signs are large enough to read, including:
I’m With Her (with arrows pointing in every direction) Feminism Is The Radical Idea That Women Are Human Beings and, my favourite, I Can’t Fucking Believe This Shit.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Harriet Ann Ellenberger.
love it Harriet thank you … glad to see you emerged and posting <3