I feel deeply troubled and a bit unsettled.
I feel strongly a pull in two directions.
Loving passionately and despising at once.
I fear to look at what is hiding inside me…
The truth of the roots of all my pain
A reflection of what is out there around me
I ask the universe for the courage to dive within
I know the answers to all that ails me lies there
Something keeps pulling me away distracting me from myself my truth my own love.
I know I need to love myself first before I can help the world in some capacity that I can handle.
Or even relate to anyone at all in a healthy way
This is my only desire…
To be of service in a way that benefits the shift within humanity
Towards a new era and a higher dimension which will lead us out of this abys.
Let me be a part of it
Let my ego burn up into ashes so that my soul can shine through.
So that I can do what I came here to do…
My divine purpose, divine will, divine grace, divine Mother have mercy on my soul
Take all of me and convert it into translucent gold.

(Meet Mago Contributor) Amina Rodriguez.