When EarthGaia our Planet reaches the midpoint of Her orbit between the Solstices – the last ones being Winter in the South, and Summer in the North, it is an Equinox Moment @ EarthGaia, a moment of balance of dark and light for the whole Planet. In the Southern Hemisphere it is the Season of Spring Equinox/Eostar with the balance about to tip into increasing light after the dominance of dark for six months. This balance moment in the light part of the annual cycle may be associated poetically with the joyful return of the Beloved One who has gained new Wisdom from the depths … after long and lost wanderings. The returning Beloved One may be understood as a redeemer figure – the Seed of Life that never fades away. It is a “resurrection” – the original, and organic to being. It is a Moment of certain emergence, and knowing the joy and power of being.
Here is some Poetry of the Season:
As Earth is poised in balance of dark and light
about to tip our hemisphere into the light …
you are invited to celebrate
Warmth and growth are sensed in the Land.
Life bursts forth with new strength.
The Beloved One, Persephone, returns
from the Depths
– as a “hera” – a courageous one.
Demeter stretches out her arms
to receive and rejoice.
We may leave behind the binds of the past …
and step into the Power of Being
with new wisdom.
She is alive in us, and we in Her!
Glenys Livingstone, 2005
The choice of images for the Season is arbitrary; there are many that may express this. And also for consideration is the fact that most ancient images of Goddess are multivalent – She was/is One: that is, all Her aspects are not separate from each other. These selected images tell a story of certain qualities that may be contemplated at the Seasonal Moment of Eostar/Spring Equinox.
As you receive the images, remember that image communicates the unspeakable – that which can only be known in body – below rational mind. So you may open yourself to a transmission of Her that will be particular to you.
- Demeter and Persephone 500 B.C.E. Greece. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen, 72) Where the Mother Goddess is accompanied by a daughter or daughters, as here in Eleusis, or in Crete or in the Aegean Islands, the continuity of the relationship is being indicated … it is life being passed on – the unbroken thread of life. They are different aspects of the same self – not really separate. I interpret it also as the Creative curvature of space-time, that delicate balance described by Western science, which allows life to happen. Also we now know scientifically about the passing of the seed from mother to daughter in the ovaries.
- Minoan Snake Priestess 1600 B.C.E. Greece. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen, 92). Her eyes are wide open: She is able to journey into the Dark and return. She has “night vision” as does the leopard on Her head. She can handle the snakes … these creatures re-iterate her powers, She is like them. It is not a dominance of them – “power over” – it is a communion with them, an embodied knowledge, which opens Her eyes. This is sometimes spelled as a “gnowing”.[i]
- Ishtar 1000 B.C.E. Babylon. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen, 130) – often She is linked with Inanna, as “an all-encompassing Goddess of birth, death rebirth and passionate sexulaity”. Some scholars also link the biblical Esther with Ishtar. She is also linked with Astarte who is the Southern form of the Saxon Goddess Eostre/Ostara. Her praises in a Mesopotamian text 1000 B.C.E.:
Her lips are sweet,
Life is in Her mouth.
When She appears, we are filled with rejoicing.
She is glorious beneath her robes.
Her body is complete beauty.
Her eyes are total brilliance.
Who could be equal to her greatness,
for Her decrees are strong, exalted, perfect.[ii]
- Inanna 3000 B.C.E. Middle East. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen, 74) Celebrated for 3500 years, Inanna was the most important deity in Sumeria. Hers is the oldest story of descent and return. The eight pointed star of Venus behind Her is a worldwide symbol of death and rebirth. A worshipper salutes Her.
Lady of all the essences, full of light,
good woman clothed in radiance
whom heaven and earth love …
O primary one,
moon goddess Inanna of heaven and earth!
A poem by Her priestess ENHEDUANNA 2300 B.C.E.[iii]
- Goddess of the Mountain 1500 B.C.E. Minoan. (The Year of the Goddess, Durdin-Robertson, p.60) … a great image of emergence.
- Bird-Headed Snake Goddess (Eurynome, as She may be named and associated) 4000 B.C.E. Africa. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen,8) … an image of organic power.
- Horned Goddess 6000 B.C.E. Algeria. (The Heart of the Goddess, Hallie Iglehart Austen, 138) … These Algerian figures may depict the Amazon tribes of that area. It was painted when the surrounding Sahara desert was green. Rain falls on her horns of plenty – or grain from a field? Ceremonial tassels on her hands and knees would emphasize body movements. Austen says, “Dance magically reweaves the fabric of life, renewing and transforming us. As the body moves, the rational mind is stilled, and a deeper wisdom emerges.” Note Her upraised arms like that of Bird-Headed Snake Goddess and Minoan Snake Priestess. And consider making dance meditation part of your Spring Equinox preparation.
- Hera 500 B.C.E. (Cover image, The Year of the Goddess, Durdin-Robertson) In the earliest of times Hera was not the bickering, jealous wife of the Olympian pantheon. Hera, in the most ancient of stories was commonly identified with Gaia. Marija Gimbutas tells us that Hera was called the ‘origin of all things’ by Greek writers as late as the 6th century B.C.E., that “Her name is cognate with Hora, season”.[iv] In this image She is Sovereign – a native Queen.
Meet Mago Contributor, Glenys Livingstone.
[i] Annabelle Solomon, Between the Worlds, M.A thesis, University of Western Sydney, 1998.
[ii] Hallie Iglehart Austen, The Heart of the Goddess, p.130.
[iii] Hallie Iglehart Austen, The Heart of the Goddess, p.74.
[iv] Marija Gimbutas, The Language of the Goddess, p.134.
Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence. The Year of the Goddess. Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1990.
Gimbutas, Marija. The Language of the Goddess. NY: HarperCollins, 1991.
Iglehart Austen, Hallie. The Heart of the Goddess. Berkeley: Wingbow Press, 1990.
The music for the slideshow is ‘Shine’ from the CD Deity by Wendy Rule, who generously gave permission.