At the highest point on the tree, you stretch, reaching for the sun.
Your pink petals elegant in their grace, you stand alone.
Bravest of all, for leaves have yet to come to offer shade
Branches bare except for furry buds that will soon
follow in imitation of your daring first move.
Intrepid flower of Spring, I feel like you in my yearning for the Sun!
Here is the child of Spring reaching out.
Her happy heart light and gay.
Her bright colors sparking in the sunlight.
Poppy, you show how I feel
As I sense the birthing of life around me.
Embraced in newness,
I dance with joy and excitement.
Morning Peace
A soft breeze gently lifts a leaf to float above the grass.
I feel the calm and peace of the breeze.
A light rain has washed clean any lingering disturbance in my space.
I am refreshed and renewed.
The sun lifts her face into the sky bringing warmth and light to my world.
She awakens all in her light of a new day.
Birds begin their songs and my heart lifts in the joy of the moment.
I breathe in the fresh morning air and know
Photography & Poetry by Deanne Quarrie
Meet Mago Contributor, Deanne Quarrie