Breath of Heaven, done in radiant watercolor, started out as a meditative cosmos dot painting innocently enough. But going along as I often do especially with the undergirding, usually looser lighter layers of color, things emerge, shapes show up. Here it was a woman’s facial profile with hints of garment in the mix. I planned for a bright big sun-like yellow orb which was there a bit across from her mouth – a basic yellow circle. But then I had a hankering for a little wisp of green. The yellow circle wasn’t quite as dry as I had thought and my little drop of green kind exploded that sun! Oops! I watched that yellow orb become something else, tell another story – like a big bang was happening right before my eyes! It was kind of cool to watch it happen and just let it be. Meanwhile the female figure loomed as such a powerful presence that I decided to take of some of the dark paint from her mouth to the orb so it looked like her breath. Her breath was the cause of that explosion, her breath making some big changes, some new life – an imaginary of how creation works. The next day I came back to the studio and saw the painting all dried and decided that this “oops” was a happy accident, a teaching in the art of letting go that watercolor does so well – if you let it.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Susan Abbott.