Nuit Moore is a priestess & wise woman witch, ceremonial creatrix & ritual artist, and eco-feminist activist. She has offered classes and ceremony on women’s mysteries, Goddess rites, the trance arts, women’s healing arts, pharmakeia, ceremonial movement and sound, liminal magick and ritual theater, etc for over 25 years, and travels frequently bringing temple and ceremony to festivals and communities. Nuit has been a visionary red thread weaver of the Blood Mysteries and an activist-educator in the eco-menstruation movement since 1991. Much of her path is rooted in women’s rites/rights, which is also embodied in her work as an herbalist of the Wise Woman tradition focusing on herbals for women, as well as her work as an artist of various mediums.
http://www.shaktistudios.etsy.com http://www.scarletshakti.com