A garden is always a very intriguing place for me, because there are so many gardens that one can be in touch with in this life time and all of them have the flavor of privacy, intimacy and most of all, a place where we can be with one of the the most special aspects of nature:
Flowers with their colors and the mysterious blossoming that takes place, touching our hearts profoundly with their beauty
The first garden that I ever entered was the garden of my bisabuela, the mother of my grandmother, Mamá Toñi. When I met my bisabuela she was fragile and peaceful, frequently on her hammock always welcoming us children. My great delight was being able to go into her garden.
Her garden was a mixture of herbs, fruits and flowers. The first color that I recall in her garden, which still tinctures my memories, was blue, but the pink flowers too begin to flourish within my memory, from some of the roses, and the smell of gardenias and jasmine never it has left me.
I remember so clearly entering into a state of enchantment when the small wooden gate would open to let me enter into this well protected sanctuary. Children were not allowed without being in the company of an adult. It wasn’t a place for playing but for gathering the herbs for the day’s cooking, picking the fruits when they were ripe and admiring the blossoming of the different flowers and sometimes some of them were cut for bouquets.
There were two large fruits trees in the garden, the most precious one bore Cherries, sweet cherries, and when they were ripe the tree became the most beautiful image that I can recall: All those orange and red tiny globes hanging from branches everywhere. It was magical, and a sense that something was sacred, pure and innocent about the garden that my sister and I still hold in our memories and in our hearts.
Then the myth appeared in my world, el jardín del Eden, the Garden of Eden, that paradisiacal place of great delight, where the tree of life was placed and also the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was prohibited and eating from this forbidden tree caused the loss of innocence and the expulsion from the Garden of Adam and Eve into a world of challenges, pain and suffering! How brutal was that story for me since I experienced it every time that they took me out from my bisabuela’s garden back into the ordinary world of life’s chores.
The world of enchantment would be gone until one day again I would be taken into the garden and I could become lost within my paradise, discovering and touching the beauty of life…
The myth became very controversial for me, from the very idea of creating Eve from the rib of Adam and more than anything else the idea of her seducing him into the sinful action of tasting the forbidden fruit that cast humanity into disarray. Yet maybe the most impressive aspect of the myth for me is the role of the snake seducing Eve into the desire for knowledge and being like God. Who wouldn’t want to taste the “red,” juicy, attractive and seductive sweet fruit? So, I did not agree with God’s command and demands. Of course, Eve needed to taste it, and why not want to be like a God?
The punishment they received was unbearable for me to understand and to accept, so I dismissed the whole idea of the myth until I leaned later in life that a myth is a way to transmit a deeper knowledge of unseen aspects of reality that can only be comprehended if one understands the symbolical meaning behind the story.
As I grew older and left the garden of my childhood, I ventured into a more expansive life that took me to so many places and states of suffering and pain, pleasure and delights. The world was attractive to explore, yet full of danger and challenges, particularly being a young woman (carrying a part of the collective prejudice toward Eve), wanting to taste all the fruits that were on the horizon. And trees of knowledge were everywhere…from which to pick the fruit and taste: the freedom to travel and discover the world beyond my horizon; the knowledge compressed in books and intellectual pursuits; the sensual pleasures of the body; the promise of love. I wanted it all… and, why not??
I challenged God…! And I became like Eve seduced by the instinctual nature of the snake and followed the forbidden desire of wanting to be God and eat from the tree of knowledge over and over and over. But I didn’t give birth with pain. I simply didn’t birth another human being. I didn’t work hard to eat with the sweat of my forehead. I did what I loved to do, and I never sweat…
Until one day I woke from the dream of good and evil, Eve and Adam and found myself free from the dichotomy of opposites. Then the myth became clear! It is a myth, a tool for the human psyche to engage in the mystery of life—not is it true, real or unreal–but the journey that is possible to take in this human incarnation and pass through it to the other side; whereby we can regain the place within oneself of pure innocence…when there is no need to taste anything else because it is already here within oneself–in this present moment. This is the Garden of Eden. What a revelation!!!
It is here that the entrance to the paradisiacal garden is, right now in this moment alive and pure, free from the past or the future…just Here!
Here the divine is revealed everywhere in every place, in every flower, leaf, stone or fruit, in every pathway in the birds singing and flying everywhere…in sunlight or moonlight…in every ant, spider web or in the smell of jasmine…in every person that crosses our paths. It is everywhere…the divine is here in you and in me as an expression of totality.
I am living within this paradisiacal garden now, I don’t have to go out any longer and then come back once in a while, like when I was a child. I am in the garden, it is my home, it is my life, it is what I am, it is everywhere around me and within me!
I welcome you into the garden of great delights because it is our very nature to live in harmony with all of life, embrace by the great Mother-Goddess.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Noris Binet