When I started this series of drawings, unusual images began filling the pages of my sketchbook; womyn with animal parts, womyn with animal companions. Some had wings. Some had the scales and tails of lizards. Others had fins and still others had the horns of rams. They were taking shape as separate entities, but felt linked to each other. For days I pondered what connected them. What made them a cohesive whole? What would gather this group of creatures and make them into one? Early one morning in the tender dreamtime right before waking, I heard a voice say, “You are making a tribe.” I named the tribe Womanimals. Unconsciously, I had created species that corresponded to each of the elements; the Ramyn trod upon Earth and have horns. The womyn of the Air with wings are Raptors. Naiads are women of the Sea. Those of Fire with scales and tails are Peles. Wemoon, Ether, are the most like human womyn and surround themselves with a wide range of nonhumans that they call “companions” and “familiars”.
The idea of the Tribe in the series moves towards a futuristic, science fiction resolution where species mix naturally in an environment where they are free and safe. These drawings are responding to the concept of openness, acceptance, making the definition of kin and family inclusive. When there is no “other” and no oppression, we eliminate the boundaries between us all to create a collective community.
I believe if we are to preserve and protect the resources and animals that still exist, we must change our mindset and put words into action. We must gather together to fight for our homes, our refuges, to keep the water, earth, and air free from lethal toxins. And those of us who can speak the language of the oppressor must take on the responsibility to fight for those precious creatures that can’t speak and are so vulnerable to being controlled, abused, tortured and eradicated.
Stories are the way that people understand the world around them. We can tell our stories with words, pictures, music, movement or dance. Stories are channels for empathy. Empathy is the instrument for change. I believe a person must be willing to sit inside the heart and soul of the “other” so they are no longer the “other” but are called kin. I tell my stories with my art. I wish my creations had the ability to protect and save my animal kin. I wish I had the power to draw and paint their survival into existence.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Sudie Rakusin.