In the pure white sun dream
I wore a necklace –
bearstone and bone.
For months
eluded me,
but feeling
from within-
a volcano
was burning
beyond me –
destructive fires,
my body knew.
And beyond that
stones and bones.
Extremes freeze authenticity.
Why is it
that I cannot
hold onto Dark
the way others do?
I keep shedding Shades
like outworn skins –
“Let them go” I pray,
missing the point completely.
An error bordering
on personal stupidity –
casts a shroud
to create clarity.
Instead of berating
myself, I need
to look to others
to uncover
what’s hidden
in them.
I own my flaws.
There are dark
rooms in everyone’s house –
not just my own.
Working notes:
As we move into the dark of the year I have an illumination about a dream I had at the height of the summer – a dream that was offering me truth about someone I considered a friend. It interests me that understanding didn’t “dawn” until now. We are close to All Hallows and the Feast of the Dead – a time to reflect on darkness and shadow. What comes to me is the necessity of not focusing exclusively on being account able. My tendency is to find fault with myself while failing to look at what others do. Maybe at this turning more women need to do the same?