May the wombs of all daughters be blessed, as eggs in the ovaries of their mothers, inside the wombs of their grandmothers, blessed at their conception and blessed at their birth. May the wombs of all maidens be blessed at their menarche. May the wombs of all women be blessed always at the alter of their loving, through the cycles of their blood, in their terminations and their miscarriages and at the birthing of their babes. May the womb of woman be blessed through all the years of her blood tide and beyond, in her menopause and through all the years of her wisdom giving and also blessed at her death, for all she has dreamed and birthed into being for the all. May all wombs be known as sacred.
Daughter of the mysterywhen your time comesand your moon blood flowsmay you know what it is that you have become.May there be fragrant blossoms and loving handsand tender care to escort youthrough the threshold.May there be tears of grief and praise,for what has been lost and what has become,for death and rebirthfor joy and longing.May your blood be claimed as the powerful medicine it is,the reciprocal conduit of your sovereign relationship to the Mother Earth beneath your feetand also now within your womb,birthing your sensitive interfacewith her magnificencewith each cycle of the moon.You are blooming and rising to becomethe living embodiment of life’s co-creative capacity,with it the great gift and the responsibilityfor what is born of our endeavouring to know and to lovethe beingness of our bodies,the longing of our heartsthe knowings of our souls,returning the nourishing harvest of our wombs,the potent gift of our bloodto the earth who sustains us.May we, the world that holds you be fierce and uncompromising in our advocacy of you,in our celebration of your exquisite becoming.May you know yourself to be as the moonand as the cycling tides,embedded in the vast serenade of creation,your body marking the rythmns of the universe within the intimacy of your temple,the holy treasure of your skin.May you know the preciousnessof your own becoming,how sacred it is. May we know how to welcome you,woman born,birthing love on this good earth.
Cards and Prints of Blessed Be The Blood available on Etsy.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Lucy Pierce.