Now many years latter it has become very obvious to me that the heart is at the forefront of most spiritual traditions, that the heart is the place where we are united. The phrase “one heart” has circumscribed the whole planet fostering a world culture with the heart as the center of our humanity. Slowly, more and more, I sense the heart will be the symbol that unites us all and that we will place it on the top of our altars at home or in the public space as a reminder that we all have One Heart from which to live life.
Awakened by the Goddess
I don’t recall growing up hearing of any female spiritual teacher who was considered an awakened being or enlightened in any spiritual tradition, and such was unthinkable in patriarchal religious systems. Maybe one might hear of The Mother (Ramakrishna’s wife), but I think that it has only been lately that she has been considered an awakened being. I had many women in my life who not only inspired me and supported me in my spiritual quest but not one was considered awakened.
Finally, now we can talk about women reclaiming openly and being called and considered spiritual masters, awakened beings. This is a very important aspect in our human evolution. We have crossed the line from the (ignorant) days when whether women possessed souls was discussed in patriarchal religious systems to the present time when women are awakening all over and realizing their true nature and are engaged as spiritual teachers in their own right. This is magnificent!
When I met my spiritual teacher Gangaji I was absolutely ready to open up and surrender to what she offered me, which was freedom from entanglements. Her true transmission was direct, and it required nothing from me other than to stop seeking “something” out there and the realization that what I had been seeking was already here in me just as I was. This teaching was both radical and revolutionary. It had become clear to me that it was necessary to have a female teacher to be able to open fully and to totally trust. Our meeting together continues to be an ongoing love affair through which my own real nature as love has been revealed, I am in reverence and filled with gratitude by this amazing grace wherein this life is an instrument for awakening, for self-realization and for this love, as the core of my being.
Like me, my teacher is not anyone special (neither of us were born from enlightened parents). She is just a woman who by grace awakened to her true nature and is devoted to bringing this awareness to any man or women who wants to discover their own true self. When asked once by an interviewer who she was, she answered “I am your own self, there is no separation between you and me, we are the same one, the same self, the same Love.” This declaration is true freedom!
For me this is the nature of the Goddess, of the sacred feminine, the non-dual nature, the all-inclusive awareness that embraces everyone as its own self. Being awakened by the goddess is like falling onto the lap of the grandmother where love is the only language and the only sweet ambrosia that allows the heart to be exploded by love and to be in love with the whole of existence, which includes even sorrow and death.
The Language of the Goddess
Cultivating the Goddess, being in alignment with the Goddess, serving the Goddess, maintaining a connection with the Goddess, receiving guidance from the Goddess are genuine interests that typically surface in everyone of us.
For me cultivating and maintaining my connection with the Goddess requires vigilance, surrender and peace in my heart.
It requires vigilance because the mind-conditioned pattern of a value system that supports fear and devaluation of the feminine can unconsciously undermine us. And, vigilance requires awareness, a moment-to-moment awareness to be alert when we sacrifice the present moment for the story line in our mind, reliving the past or imagining the future. It requires that we are willing to see and listen instead of thinking unconsciously. That we are willing to surrender to life’s unfolding in front of us, instead of escaping with our habitual compulsive patterns of believing our constant stream of thoughts.
Sitting silently periodically to become aware of the thought-stream storyline is very useful and supports us in understanding how the mind functions. Investigating further by self-inquiry about the validity of our thoughts and their attendant beliefs system is a very important key for our own liberation from the tyranny of the mind.
Surrender can be a very ambiguous word with many different connotations depending upon where we are coming from. What I notice about surrender is that it is not an action that one takes, such that we surrender to something external or internal to us, rather, surrender in this context means that we do not resist the movement of life (whether “positive” or “negative”) in such a way that we create conflicts and suffering. This surrender is about being willing to listen to life totality and see its movements without judging them. When we are able to look outside the lens of our judging tendencies, then we can see a clear image of what is being presented to us, which is neither good nor bad; it simply is: Life with its up and down revealing itself to be mysteriously wise and kind.
Peace in the heart is the most important ingredient of living life in harmony and in happiness while embracing life as it is, with all its challenges and all its glory. As the years pass I am increasingly aware that only from a place of peace in our hearts can we discover that love is our true nature and that it is possible to live life from this love, where there is joy, simple and pure!
(To be continued)
[This was first published in She Rises: What… Goddess Feminism, Actvism and Spirituality? Volume 3]
(Meet Mago Contributor) Noris Binet.