Thirteen Women – a feminist interpretation based on Twenty-One Women from Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of The Egyptian Book of the Dead by Normandi Ellis (2009, Red Wheel/Weiser). The lines from the original are in italics.
Note: Pylon is the Greek term for a monumental gateway of an Egyptian temple.

Photo – Kaalii Cargill.
The life-giving heart of the World beats to the rhythm of the Moon. Cycles and gyres, spiral pathways crossed by one narrow road, thin as a flint blade, that the fool walks. The ways of the Father World are devious. Temples fill with demons offering illusion. Woman walks by her own light.
She comes to the first pylon. She speaks. Demon of Shame, whose heart is an accusation of unworthiness! Demon whose words are chains that chill and bind a woman’s spirit! The woman dances naked beneath the Moon. With a cry she drives away the demon. She goes on her way. Her name is “Banisher Of Shame”. Blessed is woman.
She comes to the second pylon. She speaks. Grave Keepers of Tradition! Old men stroking grey beards, telling lies! Woman devours all in the flame of her lioness mouth. She goes on her way. Her name is “Burner Of Lies”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the third pylon. She speaks. Demon of Romantic Love! Ecstasy of self loss! Madness of standing outside myself! Woman breaks the arrow, takes back the wings. She goes on her way. Her name is “One Unto Herself”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the fourth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Phallocratic Technology! Insane desire for power! Woman spins widdershins. She goes on her way. Her name is “Subverter of Masculine Dominance”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the fifth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Violence! Horror of rape! Woman chants. No man may come to her. No man may sleep exhausted on her breast. No man may beseech her aloud. She is eternity, essence, window onto forever. Her name is “Singer Of Truth”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the sixth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Envy! Insidious thief of joy! None know her height, not breadth, nor magnitude. She encompasses all. Her name is “Life Giver”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the seventh pylon. She speaks. Demon of Denial! Desperate clinging to Life! Woman weeps. She is dew and rain and tears. She is widow, concealer, sorceress. Her name is “Embracer Of Death”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the eighth pylon. She speaks. Demon of injustice! Woman burns. Lady of the heat, she burns up transgression. Her flame is sharp, her fingers are orange spikes. She speaks with a tongue of far-reaching fire. She is necessity, justice, awesome power. Her name is “Flame That Protects”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the ninth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Perpetual Paralysis! Robber of strength! Silencer of outcry! Woman moves. She opens the lion’s mouth. Her name is “Strength Of Trees”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the tenth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Fear! Killer of Dreams! She roars. She fears no man on earth or beneath. She goes on. Her name is “Priestess of Heaven”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the eleventh pylon. She speaks. Demon of Slaughter! Killer of men, women, children! Destroyer of Life! She stands guard. She pierces a man with the flame of her eye. She goes on. Her name is “Protector Of Life”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the twelfth pylon. She speaks. Demon of False Beauty! Purveyor of potions! She shatters the mirror. She is the rising moon, radiant, bright light of the World. She goes on. Her name is “Lady Of The Outer Darkness”. Blessed is Woman.
She comes to the thirteenth pylon. She speaks. Demon of Neoliberalism! Brutal materialistic logic! She finds reason to make a man miserable. She finds reason to cause a man to scream. She binds him with a cry. She speaks not his name, inquires not. In silence she interrogates his soul. She goes on. Her name is not known. Blessed is Woman.
Meet Mago Contributor KAALII CARGILL
This post came across my personal feed a few days after I finished reading Daughters of Time so I was anxious to read something else Kaalii had written. Holy Wow! I was in tears by the time I got to the 12th pylon for the truth of the new words and ideas coming forward. I felt it was some kind of sign – one I’m still feeling into, seeking the connection and message for me. I freakin’ love this reinterpretation in woman-affirming language. To say this is powerful is an understatement. To say it is long over due – again an understatement. It is the language of She that has waited thousands of years for someone to take notice of this errancy in speech proffered by patriarchal culture. I caught a lot of flack from traditionalists for sharing the post on my page, but I am a woman who stands in her truth and sovereignty and from a deep, primordial place, I recognize the truth of these words birthing a new time. Deep Bow Kaalii Cargill.