[Editor’s Note: This and the ensuing sequels are a revised version of the discussion that has taken place in The Mago Circle, Facebook group, since September 24, 2017 to the present. Themes are introduced and interwoven in a somewhat random manner, as different discussants lead the discussion. The topic of the number nine is key to Magoism, primarily manifested as Nine Magos or the Nine Mago Creatrix. Mago Academy hosts a virtual and actual event, Nine Day Mago Celebration, annually.]
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang Ancient China attempted to overthrow the confederacy of Nine Goma peoples through a “divide and conquer” ideology, which gave rise to the Chinese thought “Five Phases,” a distortion/misunderstanding of Nine Numerology (the number five is deemed central, located at the center ruling over the periphery 8 numbers, refer to the Loshu Square also known as the Solomon Square in the West today). Ancient China eventually chased the Nine Goma away into the four directions and called them “barbarians” of the East, South, West, and North, while taking the center for itself by way of military campaign.

Lizzy Bluebell Thanks for this nice juicy explanation of the FIVE!
“a distortion/misunderstanding of Nine Numerology (the number five is deemed central, located at the center ruling over the periphery 8 numbers, refer to the Loshu Square also known as the Solomon Square in the West today). Ancient China eventually chased the Nine Goma away into the four directions and called them “barbarians” of the East, South, West, and North, while taking the center for itself by way of military campaign.”
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang That is a summary of the Budoji’s critique of Yao’s calendar and the establishment of his patriarchal rule, ancient China.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang Lizzy Bluebell and all, please find the Mago Almanac:
Lizzy Bluebell Thank you for your gift Helen. May our interactions prove fruitful for all wombanhood.
Upon reading the introductory pages, I am thrilled to discover this passage which cites the possible antiquity of the gynocentric calendar and hope, with your permission, that I may use it in quotations in my own work, because it succinctly confirms my own understanding;
“The origin of the 28 day /13 month gynocentric calendar remains unknown. The 13 lunar cycle may have been already available as early as 25,000 to 20, 000 BCE, as shown in the relief of the “Venus of Laussel” in France, the Paleolithic Woman who holds in her hand a bison horn with 13 notches. Her people are possibly to have used the 28 day sidereal lunar cycle 3 in sync with the menstrual cycle for a monthly cycle, given that the 13 months is a consequential number of monthly 28 days in a year. Also the linguistic data supports. Many languages of the world share the same root for “moon”, “menstruation” and “month”. We simply don’t have more data beyond that.”
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang Lizzy Bluebell The data that I explicated after that is what I want us to pay attention and discuss. We have a plenty of data to discuss that the Budoji and Goma data provide.
Lizzy Bluebell I’ll have to finish reading and digest the Almanac for a bit in re: the numerology of nine. My own conception of the ROLL of numbers in the PATRIX we inhabit does not fit exactly like a glove here; simply because I DO LIVE IN THE NOW – FREE FLOWING ALWAYS OUTSIDE of the MAN-Made TIME CON-struckt.
Fascinating that the ‘calends’ relates to TAX collection monthly – Wall Street definitely follows that pattern.
Phrases in the Almanac that excited me are :
“Collective Consciousness is the oldest archive of human affairs” << beautiful !
“Wombtime is embodied time”.
“Measurer is me – I am the scale of time” << Reminds me of Egyptian Ma’at as holder of the scales and measures of time in her role as ‘Principle of Natural Balance’.
“Reification of the female principle”.
“Can a Gynocentric Consciousness co-exist with a logical mind?” << YES absolutely !!
“The menstruant is the very embodiment to time and number…”
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang Lizzy Bluebell Nine Numerology = the Nine Mago Creatrix = Nine Goddess Symbols = Inter-cosmic Time = The Womb Time = WE/HERE/NOW
Sara Wright Wow, this is fascinating!
Lizzy Bluebell “Chiu won the war, the first international/global war waged over the defense/overthrow of the Magoist throne.” My friend Ravinder has referred to this war !! I forget the details now – but he said it happened in India too.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang Leslene Della-Madre and Lizzy Bluebell, For the war between Magoists (Old Korea) and para-Magoists (ancient China to be) comes within a context. If one is aware of ancient Chinese mytho-history (ancient Chinese rulers and their accomplishments, for example), this is easy. I don’t know who is versed in such basic background. I am not expecting that anyone would read it from the perspective of Magoist Old Korea. There are a number of non-mainstream Koreanists who represent that voice but they are not publishing in English.
I would say that the war between Chiu and Hwangje marks the archetypal war of sexes. Both parties were of the Goma descent. This war was remembered by ancient Chinese rulers and their supporters as the slaying of the nine-headed snake, one of Gongong’s ministers. Gongong was possibly one of the nine state queens. Chiu was aided by Gonggong and other nine state queens in her war against Hwangje and his allies, the forefathers of ancient China. This war was likely remembered or rather reenacted by patriarchal rulers elsewhere, in Greece for example. Thus, we have the myth of slaying Lernaean Hydra. Like China, they needed a fabricated story of this war. I bet the myth of slaying nine-headed snake monster is known in other ancient patriarchal states. I will keep pointing to such data. It is indeed a juicy topic but I don’t feel I am doing justice without laying out the context, which is no small task. So it is still coming from my end.
If you want to read more on this, I recommend you to search books/articles on ancient Chinese myths and find out about the war of Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) and his successors. They are plenty. You will have the patriarchal version of the story, which contradicts the Korean Magoist account that I have been documenting and writing about.
That said, this war is of utmost importance in that it will unravel the mythic origin of Mudusa and Gorgon, to say the least. It will ultimately rewrite the history of patriarchal monarchies/rules/states as a fake successor of the Danguk confederacy of nine states, whose implications unleash the grip of patriarchal civilizations. On the other hand, it will restore the original matrix for feminists and Goddess practitioners from around the world to reclaim gynocentric unity that existed from pre-patriarchal times. I have advocated the Nine Mago/Goddess Movement in this spirit.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang That said, this war is of utmost importance in that it will unravel the mythic origin of Mudusa and Gorgon, to say the least. It will ultimately rewrite the history of patriarchal monarchies/rules/states as a fake successor of the Danguk confederacy of nine states, whose implications unleash the grip of patriarchal civilizations. On the other hand, it will restore the original matrix for feminists and Goddess practitioners from around the world to reclaim gynocentric unity that existed from pre-patriarchal times. I have advocated the Nine Mago/Goddess Movement in this spirit.
Nova Scheller Helen Hye-Sook Hwang magnificent! The connection to the Greek myths from a filter of patriarchal takeover by the Chinese… amazing work.
(To be continued)
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