In response to the Covid-19 – the Corona Virus – for the past week or so it feels as though there has been an extra dose of FB memes imploring people to focus only on love and light, flooding our newsfeeds with pretty pictures and words. As nice as this may be for some, it doesn’t resonate as real and I am advocating for REAL… real emotions, real feelings, real conversation, real understanding of where we humans fit in the current scenario that is now playing out. I am advocating, pleading even, that we feel into our grief, our sadness, and understanding of what we have done to our world (and we have all participated in some way). I’m advocating for realistic assessment of where we stand in relation to our Earth and the future that reality could hold for us. I am advocating for hope with REAL action. I am not advocating descent into the dismal with no hope, but I also do not want to be shamed for feeling the other emotions we humans are given.
In a recent meditation with a group focused on healing Mother Earth and ourselves, the following writing came through. As intense as the message was, as well as the feelings it elicited, I was surprised at how effortlessly the words flowed. My experience with the painting was anything but effortless flow and, in fact, was a most difficult birthing. Coming through the portal of the canvas, the Being who I would come to know as Gaia, fought me constantly. Sometimes it’s like this though as they come with a specific agenda and my work is to ensure their message – in words and/or in image – is their truth and not mine. I’m the channel to ensure their voices are heard clearly and, at times, very loudly.
Gaia Speaks and Fierce Mother come to remind humans of the desperate need for powerful activism with visionary voices speaking fierce truth. Their message is one of urgency with need for authentic feelings, conversations and real change. May Gaia be heard, may She be seen.
Gaia Speaks: The Question
Why do you insist on staying in the light
when I’m in the dark?
Why the obsession with love
when so many of your species hates
me and my children?
Why do you avoid the feeling of fear
when I’m afraid daily of my limbs
being torn from me, my waters poisoned,
my children brutally trapped and murdered
just so you can have an expensive house
or car or some exotic meal
or a rare aphrodisiac?
I feel fear as I wonder what is to happen to me.
I feel hatred for those who rape and kill me.
I feel anxiety for I don’t know how
much more of this my body can handle.
Why then should you be allowed to exist
in your love and light bubble,
ignoring what is happening around you,
just so you can avoid feeling bad?
I don’t have the luxury of shutting out the world
for I AM the world and my existence
is dependent on me staying highly vigilant
while you take your cruises that pollute my oceans,
jet around the world poisoning my very breath,
refuse reusable packaging in lieu of convenient
plastic that kills and maims my children,
while driving your cars that require cutting deeply
into my body and extracting my blood.
Why do you get to live in love and light, ‘
enjoying your comfortable privilege
as you simultaneously throw me
and my children into darkness?
Why, when in truth I continue
to provide YOU life?
I give you air to breathe, though you
continue to pollute it.
I give you water for your body, though you
continue to pollute it and extract it for gain.
I give you shelter, though you continue
to tear down and destroy that which you need.
I continue to give you food, but you only want
to poison it.
So tell me again Why you get to
focus only on love and light
when your actions and ways
bring so much darkness
to me and my children?
Tell me Human Why I should
continue allowing YOU to live.
I existed before you and
I’ll exist after you.
The question is now becoming…
How much longer do you get to exist?
(Meet Mago Contributor) Arlene Bailey.