Sitting in a cold room,
I scarcely can breathe,
my psyche stripped bare
and my heart broken.
Pluto has arrived and
already my life is being
disrupted by things
beyond my control.
Already things from the
Depths are emerging
Demanding to be seen.
I don’t do drama or chaos.
Still it has entered my life
destroying what is not
in my best interest.
You see, disrupting and destroying
what no longer functions, what
is worn out and no longer
serves our highest good along with
forcing us to face our inner demons,
unhealed trauma and karmic dross…
well, this is Pluto’s task and
his raison d’etre.
Trying to find that illusive place
of balance may as well go
out the window right now,
as the best we can hope for
is to stay in integrity through
these winds of change and
fires of transformation.
Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn
whose ruler is his old friend Saturn.
The Lord of the Underworld and
Patriarchy are cozying up for an
explosive and transformative visit.
For five months.
Five. Fucking. Months.
I feel I’m on the Night Bus and
the driver has just announced
“Here’s your ticket to the Underworld.
Hang on it’s going to be a bompy ride!!”
I’m numb and am feeling more like…
“Beem me up Scotty.”
There’s no place to run.
So I grab the essentials…
Cauldron – the GIANT one!
Frankincense and Sage
Owl Wing and Crow Feathers
Crystals – lots of Black Tourmaline
Those “just right” herbs and other
accoutrements known only to the few!
There’s no running from
this Astrological Influence,
but I can damn sure NOT
give into the miasma
of the fucking patriarchy
or fight the transformative
energies Pluto brings.
I Can and Will surrender to
the journey into the
inner/lower world where the
energies of change wait for me.
Not Pluto with the Patriarchal
naming of “Lord” of the Underworld,
but rather Pluto as Hecate who waits
to once again begin the Mystery School
of deep inner work and depth diving
into those dark places we dare not go.
Hecate who brings up unhealed vibrational
karma and what no longer resonates.
Hecate the Sorceress who is magic.
Hecate as the very exacting Grandmother
Crone who once again lights the
fires of alchemy demanding we become
the dark matter to be transformed into gold.
NOT Pluto, “Lord” of the Underworld!
I can and will surrender to the Morrighan
and Erishkigal who strip bare all that
no longer serves me.
I will be Innana at the Seven Gates
releasing all that I find precious,
but that has also entrapped me,
blinding me to what is really true,
what is really important
what is in my best interest.
Blinding me to my
Medicine in the world.
So Pluto…
I see you and
I take your challenge.
On. My. Own. Terms.
I know this game, know its rules.
Been here, done that
so many times now
I’ve lost count.
Even got the T-shirt!
It will be Hecate and
Erishkigal that will
Guide me.
Challenge me.
Remake me.
Transform me.
It will be the Great Crow Triple Goddess,
The Morrighan, Badb and Macha who
will strip away all that no longer serves,
pecking at the dross until I am newly
enlightened and empowered, owning
and speaking my own truth, finally
released of what has hidden in the dark.
Until finally…
It is Owl with eyes that see in the dark
who lifts me in her powerful wings and
carries me back into the light of this world.
Carries me back a transformed and
more powerful woman than you
Pluto, “Lord” of the Underworld,
can ever imagine.
It may be your time, but the way
I label it and the way I move
through it is up to me.
My choice.
My decision.
My medicine
My alchemy.
So go ahead Pluto and Saturn
with your tasks of upending everything
and dismantling all the outmoded
structures of the Patriarchy, while
simultaneously demanding I excavate
my deepest, darkest wounds and
memories as I walk through the
fires of transformation.
Go ahead ‘cause I’m ready.
Me and my Tribe of badass
Ancestral Mothers
Warrior Goddesses…
We. Got. This.
It may not be easy, but
we’re gonna be just fine.
[Author’s Note: I am NOT an astrologer and this is a personal interpretative mythos of this current astrological time. Arlene Bailey ©2020]
(Meet Mago Contributor) Arlene Bailey
I had to post this one of my Facebook page. It so perfectly describes to me what I and so very many others are experiencing at this time. And it really struck a nerve with me as a Capricorn!