“Visual images of the Goddesses stand in stark contrast to the image of God as an old white man, jarring us to question our culture’s view that all legitimate power is male and that female power is dangerous and evil. The image of the naked Eve brazenly taking the apple from the serpent, then cowering in shame before a wrathful male God, tells us not only that female will is the source of all the evil in the universe, but also that the naked female body is part of the problem. This image communicates to the deep mind the message that female will and female nakedness must be controlled and punished by male authority. In contrast, the Goddesses show us that the female can be symbolic of all that is creative and powerful in the universe. The simplest and most profound meaning of the image of the Goddess is the legitimacy and goodness of female power, the female body, and female will.¨- Carol P. Christ (1997). Rebirth of the Goddess: Finding Meaning in feminist Spirituality. New York: Routledge.

Ahhh! To see myself in the eyes of the divine!