Note the coin necklace– it is the dowry of gold or silver coins called ducats. However, before the Roman ducats (Latin for silver money), it was the dinars, a currency used in former Yugoslavia.
Dinars before the silver or gold money refers to the Dinaric Mts in the former Yugoslav region. The Dinars on her necklace represented not her dowry but that the Moist Earth Earth’s wealth and awe of her capacity to create culture and life-pregnancy/childern.
The dinar necklace in the circleor the round dance was the musical instrument accenuating her dance movements in rhythm with the Moist Mother Earth. Additionally, the sound of women in a circle – kolo with their necklaces signified the homestatis -balance in the social collective.
We can see the patriachal dominace enter in with the use of the ducats and the coined necklace was to signify her dowry. “Origins of Yugoslavia South Slavs had migrated to South East … The Serbian Dinar, which was in use from 1868, continued to be used in … a fixed exchange rate but the Ducat was approximately 100 Dinara in 1931.”
(Meet Mago Contributor) Danica Anderson, Ph.D.
Dr. Danica Anderson