We are now in the time
of the Medial Woman.
She comes in my dreams
beckoning me come
walk between the worlds.
Beckoning me keep my
promise made before
coming to this world.
To live strongly.
To live wildly.
To live deeply.
She lives in the light.
She lives in the dark.
An Edgewalker
hovering in the liminal
places of our psyche,
she both sees and hears
what is between the worlds.
No longer constrained
by society’s expectations
of what a woman is,
the Medial Woman is
free to move as she is called.
Feral and Wild and
standing always in her
sovereign knowing
of Divine Female Power,
the Medial Woman Calls.
Are you Listening?
Medial Woman by Arlene Bailey, ©2020
What a powerful word–Edgewalker!