[Author’s Note: This and the previous sequel are from my talk for Humanity Rising, delivered on August 11th, 2020].

There is one further factor that needs to be included in this story. This was the deliberate decision by the Roman Church to wipe out all trace of Jesus’ marriage to Mary Magdalene and create the vicious calumny of Mary as a penitent whore.[1] Think what it would have meant for the development of Western civilization if the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene had been celebrated by the Church founded in his name. Had their marriage been recognized and Jesus not turned into the celibate Son of God, Christianity would have had a totally different history without a celibate male priesthood and without the terrifying persecution of women in the witch trials that scarred Europe for five centuries. We might have been spared the disastrous association of sexuality with sin and the misogyny and mistrust of women that affects our culture to this day.
The monotheistic cosmology of the three Patriarchal religions has led to the situation where the Earth is no longer viewed as sacred and we are confronted with the catastrophic effects of the loss of the Divine Feminine. They did not teach reverence and respect for a sacred Earth. They supported endless wars, conquests and brutal conversions in the name of their God. They treated other races as inferior and subject to the white race and the God they worshipped. They put their emphasis on faith, belief and belonging to an institution, not on deepening our relationship with and service of life. Because of this history, we have been on the wrong path for more than two thousand years, out of alignment with the Earth and the Cosmos. It has led us to this time of crisis and awakening and to the need for a new yet very old story, a story that tells us that we are the life and breath of the Divine in human form and that all life is infused with Divinity.[2]
The primary experience of human consciousness from 2,500 BC until the present day has been one of increasing alienation from nature, culminating in the ideology of technological progress and limitless growth that is unrelated to the needs of the planet and our utter dependence on the viability of its life. Our current worldview, whether West or East, rests on the premise of our mastery of nature, where the diminishing resources of the planet are unthinkingly plundered to serve the ever-growing numbers and needs of our species alone.
Materialist or reductionist science built on the flawed foundation bequeathed to it by patriarchal religion and has dispensed with both God and the soul. It tells us that the universe is without life, purpose or meaning. When the physical brain dies, that is the end of us. The highest authority is the rational mind. We are separate from the world around us. The Master Story is technological progress.
I think this explains why, in a worldwide culture influenced by the secular philosophy of science, we have we come to believe that it doesn’t matter what we do to matter – that nature and matter are not sacred, that we are not part of that sacredness. This is why there is no foundation for morality in our relationship with the Earth. What we think we need, we take.
The psychiatrist C.G. Jung could see the dangers of this materialist philosophy and commented: “As scientific understanding has grown, so our world has become dehumanized. Man feels himself isolated in the cosmos, because he is no longer involved in nature and has lost his emotional “unconscious identity” with natural phenomena… No voices now speak to man from stones, plants, and animals, nor does he speak to them believing they can hear. His contact with nature has gone.”[3]
In another passage, he describes how, as the conscious mind gained more and more autonomy and independence from the deeper matrix of the psyche, the whole super-structure of consciousness became disengaged from the age-old instinctive ground out of which it has developed. “Consciousness thus torn from its roots…”, he said, “possesses a Promethean freedom but it also partakes of the nature of a godless hybris.”[4]

Once, long ago, the world was experienced as alive with spirit. Nature was part of a sacred cosmic whole. In spite of horrendous persecution, the Indigenous peoples of the world have kept alive this awareness of the sacredness of nature and the idea of our kinship with all creation.
The New Story emerging in quantum physics tells us that the whole universe is a unified field. Our lives are part of a cosmic web of life which connects all life forms in the universe and on our planet. Every atom of life interacts with every other atom, no matter how distant. We are not only connected through the Internet but through the infinitesimal particles of sub-atomic matter. We are part of an immense Field of Consciousness which sustains not only our world, but the entire universe. This restores the original cosmology of the Great Mother at a new level of understanding.
A new vision is struggling to be born; a new vision of our profound relationship with an intelligent, living and interconnected universe. The realization is dawning that we are participants in a Cosmic Consciousness or Intelligence which is present in every atom of our being and every particle of matter.
We are called to a profound process of transformation that is manifesting as a new planetary consciousness: a consciousness which recognizes that we are part of a Sacred Web of Life. We are part of the life of the Earth as well as the Cosmos. Thousands, even millions of us, are joining groups like Humanity Rising,[5] working together to create a new civilization based on different values and a different relationship with the planet. We need a science and a technology that does not seek to dominate nature but works with nature, humbly respecting its harmonious order. We need women who are truly feminine to guide us,[6] working with enlightened men, to restore the values and the practices that could transform our relationship with the planet into one of love and care.
This pandemic carries an urgent message for us to wake up to the small window of opportunity we have to change course before it’s too late. This means change in every sphere of life: change in the very concept of what it means to be human and living on this extraordinary planet — change above all, in our relationship with the planet. We tread a path which is on the knife-edge between the conscious integration of a new vision on the one hand and the virtual extinction of our species on the other. Which path will we choose?
(End of the Speech)
[1] In a sermon given by Pope Gregory the Great in AD 591
[2] See my webinars for Ubiquity University on Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism and Christianity on www.annebaring.com.
[3] Jung, C.G. Man and His Symbols, p. 95
[4] Jung, C.G. The Secret of the Golden Flower, p. 85
[5] An online initiative started in spring 2020 by Jim Garrison, founder and President of Ubiquity University
[6] By this I mean women who are not taken over by the will to power.