I’m a Depth Diver
traversing those realms
where most fear to tread.
Asking the questions and
feeling into all the emotions
of lifetimes wrapped in the
shackles of the ideas of others.
A Soul Excavator removing
ALL the Stones – the Boulders –
of Thou Shall Not’s and the
Chains of eternal damnation
piled upon and wrapped around
Me… You… Us…
Through thousands of years
of patriarchal religious
indoctrination and repression…
Through thousands of years of
forced control of our bodies
and their functions…
Through thousands of years of
death and mutilations for our
wisdom and gifts…
Just Because We Are Women.
I See the illusion of their narrative,
the thousands of years of lies
and masked promises.
As I remember and re-member,
Depth Diving and Excavating, I’m
Shattering the Illusion of Inclusion
in their boy’s club of Revisionist
His-story and claims of an all-knowing
sky god on his throne in an illusive
promised land called Heaven.
I am a Seer travelling through
the annals of women’s LIVED story,
not revisionist myths, redacted here
and there, then strung together
to fit a certain agenda…
An Oracle revealing Her-Story
going where most fear to tread.
ALL so that I may know the
Soul of Woman.
So I may know…
The Soul of THIS Woman.
(Meet Mago Contributor) Arlene Bailey
The Soul of Woman, Arlene Bailey ©2020
A wonderful poem and art! I especially like your line about asking unexpected and sacred questions – to me this is the key to so much of what women need to do as we explore our spirituality — stepping outside the thought frameworks that we have been taught since childhood so that we can truly see what needs to be asked, and answered. Thank you for sharing your work!