On the longest night of the year,
as seeds sleep deep within
the dark moist Mother,
out of the void I step.
Mirroring the essence of the moon,
symbol of my own birth, death and rebirth,
millennia of lunations course through me
as I quietly step fully and completely
into my visceral raw power
and cosmic sovereignty.
Marked by the forest,
my very skin the bark of the
Hallowed Yew, Hemlock and Oak,
I send my roots deep and wide.
Full moon light guides me as
I embody the knowing that
Nature’s cycles are my cycles,
ancient and woven intricately into
the pattern of all that is.
With golden antlers
that reach toward the stars
connecting me to ancient wisdom,
I am a woman who does not fear death,
a woman who goes willing into the depths
submitting to the alchemy of the void.
Death and birth both
portals to my next incarnation.
Light and Dark my alchemy.
The Flower of Life holding the seeds
of all that is yet to come.
Each taking, each giving
whatever I need.
Each time reborn stronger,
I am the Virgin Huntress.
A Woman Unto Herself.
Created from wet, moist, verdant earth
as the Sun enters Capricorn
I am Daughter of both the
Above and Below.
I AM the Without and Within.
In this time when the Sun stands still
and all outward movement slows,
the quiet, gentle light of the growing Moon
turns me inward toward the Stillpoint.
As a Hallowed birth comes calling
on this Winter Solstice eve,
I weave the visions of morning’s light.
Vision Weaver, Art and Words by Arlene Bailey ©2018, 2020
This is beautiful! I love the strength of this poem and the fact that it weaves together the magic of both dark and light – not favoring one over the other.
Carolyn, thank you so much. I definitely believe that light and dark are both essential to the whole, one no better than the other, only different. I loved how Goddess gave me the words and then the how of weaving it all together as she also helped me bring through the idea of stillness on the canvas.