For over thirty years, my work has been women centric and goddess inspired. Ever since I was introduced to our ancient herstory where women were goddesses, priestesses, and rulers in a matrilineal world, my art focus was determined. In my painting, printmaking and public sculpture, my work celebrates a nature-based symbolism honoring Gaia, Mother Earth. Marija Gimbutas’s book, “The Language of the Goddess”, documenting artifacts and symbols from Old Europe, continues to have a huge influence on me. Showing the power of women as life-giver, the connection to the divine feminine and the spiritual realm remains my prime focus. In this drawing, women show their indelible strength in association with archetypal symbols of the goddess culture.
In The Sacred Feminine Trilogy, the figures came to life and the story evolved as I worked, with little pre-planning. On the left is ‘Strength’ – a young indigenous woman, her back to the viewer, turns towards center, a long braid falls down her back. Her right hand holds a tight fist, in defiance – “a don’t mess with me stance”. She is clearly taking her power back as spirals of renewal dance on her skirt. One bird sits on her shoulder, another hovers nearby, her Spirit Guides giving her encouragement.
In the center is ‘Spirit’ – she faces us with one hand upturned to receive, the other to give back, a sacred mudra hand gesture. Under the light of the Full Moon, a sacred feminine symbol if there ever was one, her wings fully in place – suggesting she is a spiritual entity. The Ouroboros, the snake eating its tail, encircles the moon, an ancient symbol for renewal and the cycle of life. She provides a centering presence for the other two figures, a connection to the Goddess, the Divine Feminine.
On the right is ‘Abundance’ – the young mother, pregnant and abundant with life. She holds white cala lilies in front of her stomach – a symbol of fertility. Her breasts are full with nourishment in anticipation for new life. She looks toward center, to ‘Spirit‘ for guidance and strength as she moves towards motherhood.
[Artist’s Note: This large-scale charcoal drawing, 45” x 97”, was created in my studio in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico during the Covid pandemic. With lots of time on my hands, and re-discovering this large roll of amate paper (a hand-made paper from Mexico), I challenged myself to work larger and combine figures and symbols from a number of my smaller works. Visit my blog to see how this piece developed: https://artandsacredsites.com/2020/11/19/the-sacred-feminine-trilogy-watch-as-a-large-charcoal-drawing-develops-in-the-studio/]