(Essay) The Locrian Mystery by Kaalii Cargill

Forty kilometres from my grandmother’s town, on the Ionian coast of Calabria in Italy’s south, lie the ruins of Locri Epizephyrii, one of the cities of Magna Graecia (680 BCE to 915 CE). Plato called it “the flower of Italy”. Excavations have revealed a temple of Aphrodite, a sanctuary of Persephone, and numerous terracotta plaques and votive offerings. The famous marble sculpture known as the Ludovisi Throne is understood to have come from the temple of Aphrodite (Temple of Contrada Marasà) at Locri. 

National Roman Museum

The measurements of the sculpture fit perfectly with three base stones still standing at the site.

Locri Museum and Archaeological Park

In a book called “The Locrian Maidens” (2003), James Redfield draws on literary and archaeological evidence to suggest that the rites practised at Locri were an attempt to find “. . . a distinct, perhaps even deliberate ‘third way’ in contrast to the more patriarchal systems of classical Athens and Sparta.”

The familiar Persephone/Hades story from classical Athens and Sparta tells of violent abduction and rape, a metaphor for the brutal takeover of women’s ways by patriarchal systems.

The abundance of female dominated iconography and mythology found at Locri points to rituals based on a different story. At the heart of this difference was a unique approach to the mythology and rites usually associated with Demeter/Persephone. This involved a joining together of two Goddesses usually seen as opposites: Persephone and Aphrodite.

In the temples of ancient Greece and Magna Graecia, Persephone was represented as daughter of Demeter and Queen of the Underworld. In this capacity, Persephone presided over the domain of legitimate marriage and child rearing, while Aphrodite was more explicitly erotic, presiding over love affairs outside marriage. The two Goddesses were often represented as opposites. Around the same time as the temples were being built at Locri, Hesiod’s poetry depicted Persephone and Aphrodite as rivals, fighting over a man (Adonis).

In Locri many of the symbolic images of ritual activities represented Aphrodite and Persephone together: the plaque below shows a girl offering a ball and a rooster to a Goddess, while a goose flexes its wings beneath the offering table. Roosters were considered chthonic birds, linked to Persephone. Geese were linked to Aphrodite. Here the identity of the Goddess is ambiguous – Persephone or Aphrodite? Or perhaps Persephone/Aphrodite?

The classical story underlying the Thesmophoria (Eleusinian) rituals involved the transformation of the Kore (maiden) to Queen of the Underworld. The emphasis was usually on the Demeter/Persephone cycle of loss and renewal: Persephone’s abduction leads to Demeter’s mourning and the barrenness of Winter; Persephone’s return leads to Demeter’s rejoicing and the renewed fertility of Spring. In Locri Epizephyrii there appears to have been more emphasis on a woman’s initiation as she crossed from Kore (maiden) to Queen (mature woman).  See the pinakes below.

Persephone sitting in prime position on the throne with Hades. Locri Museum and Archeological Park
Persephone apparently participating in the journey with Hades. National Museum of Taranto

Unlike most classical sculptures and images, the Locri images portray Persephone as an active participant in the ritual journey. Was this just another way to tell the story of abduction, or were the rites at Locri attempting to portray a different story?

The combined worship of Persephone and Aphrodite – apparently unique to Locri Epizephrii – suggests an emphasis on women’s initiatory rituals guided by her relationship with the Goddesses, providing a pathway for maturation from girl to woman, wife, mother, and also perhaps hetaira. The sides of the Ludovisi Throne show two female figures : on the left side, a naked hetaira plays an aulos and, on the right, a heavily draped matron burns incense.

It is not surprising that scholars have disagreed about the identity of the figure arising in the main panel of the Ludovisi Throne: Aphrodite arising from the waves, or Persephone arising from the Underworld?

Perhaps She is both together . . .

Or perhaps the Ludovisi Throne shows the initiate transformed, rising between Aphrodite and Persephone, guided by both.

What if the pathway from Kore to Queen, from maiden to mature sovereignty involved walking with Persephone and Aphrodite together, actively making the crossing with their joint blessings? What if the emphasis was on the initiate’s relationship with Goddess rather than on an abusive relationship with the masculine? What might come from such a crossing?

We might find less rivalry between women, fewer women stuck in over-idealised youthfulness, and more experience of empowerment, choice, and control in women’s relationships with self, others, and the World . . .

Note: The Locri images are a product of the times (c 500 BCE), and a woman’s journey is portrayed in terms of her roles as maiden, wife, prostitute yet, unlike the rites in Athens and Sparta, it is the woman’s journey and the guidance of Persephone/Aphrodite that was central to the rites at Locri Epizephyrii.

Reference: J.M. Redfield – The Locrian Maidens, Princeton University Press, Princeton (New Jersey – USA) 2003

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2 thoughts on “(Essay) The Locrian Mystery by Kaalii Cargill”

  1. Will peruse. At a glance, the first image has a woman playing flute, resonating with the Budoji’s depiction of the Magoist Cosmogony.

    “The famous marble sculpture known as the Ludovisi Throne is understood to have come from the temple of Aphrodite (Temple of Contrada Marasà) at Locri.”

  2. This is fascinating and makes perfect sense. It might also help explain why this story of Persephone and Demeter has had such a profound effect on women for millennia — perhaps we understand this deeper and more ancient meaning in our souls even if we weren’t aware of it.

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