Wheel of the Year
In Old Korea, 24 seasonal marks are celebrated. The eight marks are also celebrated in the West, which includes two solstices, two equinoxes, Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. 24 Seasonal Marks approximately fall on every 15 days, whereas 8 Seasonal Marks approximately fall on every 45 days.

24 Seasonal Marks
1 | Dongji (冬至 Winter Solstice) | 13 | Haji (夏至 Summer Solstice) |
2 | Sohan (小寒 Little chill) | 14 | Soseo (小暑 Little heat) |
3 | Daehan (大寒 Great chill) | 15 | Daeseo (大暑 Great heat) |
4 | Ipchun (立春 Entering Spring or Imbolc) | 16 | Ipchu (立秋 Entering Fall or Lammas) |
5 | Usu (雨水 Ice turned water) | 17 | Cheoseo (處暑 Heat declines) |
6 | Gyeongchip (驚蟄 Animals awake from hibernation) | 18 | Baengno (白露 Dew comes) |
7 | Chunbun (春分 Spring Equinox) | 19 | Chubun (秋分 Autumn Equinox) |
8 | Cheongmyeong (淸明 Sky clears) | 20 | Hanno (寒露 Cold dew comes) |
9 | Goku (穀雨 Rain raises grains) | 21 | Sanggang (霜降 Frost comes) |
10 | Ipha (立夏 Entering Summer or Beltane) | 22 | Ipdong (立冬 Entering Winter or Samhain) |
11 | Soman (小滿 Things grow) | 23 | Soseol (小雪 Little snow) |
12 | Mangjong (芒種 Rice planting time) | 24 | Daeseol (大雪 Great snow) |

(To be continued)