Sonic Numerology: The Organizing Force of Life
“All (including humans) in the universe is in order and harmony, an embodiment of sonic numerology (p. 156).” In the Magoist Cosmogony, Sonic Numerology or Palryeo (Eight Tones) stands for the metamorphic dynamic of TimeSpace embodied in all beings. All beings, from a microcosmic unit to a macrocosmic universe, are summoned to self-birthing, growing, and transforming through the force of sonically-charged numbers. The sonic interplay of nine numbers (1 to 9) charts lifeforms into a web of Life. Put differently, beings are brought to existence by Yulryeo (Rhythms and Tones), another word for Sonic Numerology. All beings embody a SongDance of Sonic Numerology.

(To be continued)