Ever the eye in the center of the universe
The lily in the pond opens, one of millions of
Ordinary blooms in thousands of wild places.
I hold it in my muddy hands and let seep into me
Its moon hues, its human-soft petals, its sun-light expanded
Boundaries, floating in the calm, life-giving waters.
To begin, choose anything – a speck of dirt, a galaxy, a lily.
Witness it with love and no expectations.
Within a second, it will grow beyond everything you think you know,
And speak, and heal, and make peace.
Real life is like that, like a universe full of all
We need if we will just let it find asylum in our hands.
While all Creation expands, we retreat beneath our surface,
Close our petals, hide from what we truly seek.
May the lily’s center be our stillpoint.
May we stop there, turn around, and join all that is in an infinite
Openness, like our hands when we meet a beloved.
May all the universe be our beloved.
Thank you, Nancy, for your lovely response! I’m so glad you liked it!
Carolyn, what a beautiful poem. And so true. If we just stop and look — or listen or feel — life expands and takes in everything. Thanks you for this post.