Where are we going Mother
And how will we get there Sister
By staying connected Woman
And allowing for difference
There’s a storm brewing
You can feel it on the wind
As the veil thins and the old ones gather
Concern on their faces and tears in their eyes
For they know this storm only too well
Lived through it lifetime after lifetime
Since the dawning of time
And the advent of humans
One by one they came from different places
With different stories and yet the
Same tales of abuse and heartache,
Betrayal and Death
Each one different and yet still the same
We fly with the raven and screech
With the banshee,
Dance naked with the Fairies
And keen with the old ones
We throw bones and read palms
Scry with mirrors black
While sacred knowings swirl about
We are the future and we will not
Go blindly into your patriarchal world
In fact, we declare it over as we hear
Her coming in all her glorious irreverence and
Everything you think a woman should NOT be
We declare your way dead and fling open the
Doors of new tomorrows and new ways of
Celebrating our juicy femaleness in ALL the
Ways women appear… in ALL the ways women
Act and in ALL the ways they live and breathe
Where are we going Mother
And how will we get there Sister
By staying connected Woman
And allowing for difference
So let the Serpent coil around you
As you hear the crunch of the Apple
And feel the smiles of the new occupants
As the doors to Eden are flung open wide
embracing the All of the All of the All
The Women Have Arrived.
Fling Open the Doors, Arlene Bailey ©2021
(Meet Mago Contributor) Arlene Bailey