[This fictional story is for all those women who have risked their lives and well being to take on the spiritual stewardship of their communities and the planet over the past millennia.]
Part 2
Victoria considered what her ancestor, an ordinary farming woman, would do if she had just learned that all she had always known that kept the universe running properly had been outlawed, that she no longer had a role in harmonizing the greater order of things, and that the goddess she worshipped was now considered evil? What if she had daughters and sons whose lives and futures depended on rites that no one could now do?
She would have done everything she could to find a way to maintain those traditions, Victoria thought. She knew that her ancestor’s village had tried to battle those who outlawed their ways and half had died. Some of her ancestors’ neighbors continued on in secret, but had been discovered, tried, and executed or banished. There was only one place her ancestor’s beloved goddess and the force of the rituals that kept time and the seasons in their proper place could survive and never be discovered and that was inside herself.
Victoria envisioned her ancestor coming out to the fields in the middle of a moonless night so as to remain unseen, raising her arms to the sky and praying words in a fashion she had heard from the wise women so many times. “May my heart hold You and the harmony of the universe so that the plants and animals and people will flourish, our crops grow, the forests be full of life, and our children be born and live many years.”
But what would happen when her heart no longer beat? How would the tradition live on? Perhaps she continued, “May I keep this treasure within me until I die and then I will pass it on to my youngest child, who will live the longest after me. She will hold fast to it until it is her turn to pass it along again.”
Maybe it was not only her imagination that led Victoria to the strange notion of what her ancestor had done. The vision of her had come suddenly into Victoria’s mind, full-blown. Victoria thought that she had always known what had been and was to be, and belief in this knowledge was also a part of the reawakening that had to come next.
Victoria had no children. Perhaps bearing the burden with no hope of reprieve was causing her heart to fail. All she could do was trust that, if released, the force within her would find a home in a world now more open than in recent centuries. She had only one choice, though she may be cutting short her life and the lives of Sheila and her niece and nephew, and maybe even all existence.
Victoria closed her eyes and whispered “I free myself. I free all that I have held within me for so long.”
She opened her eyes and saw Sheila and her children still in the field, accepting with grace the abundance of the Earth. When they saw her, her eyes opened, watching them, they came over.
“We just now had an inspiration! We’re going to make a standing stone of our own, to share with you. In ancient times, standing stones with holes perfectly directed the first light on the dawn of the solstices. The summer solstice is in just a few weeks. Let’s see if we can make one for the middle of the field where we grow wildflowers,” Sheila said.
And they did. They found a small boulder shaped like a standing stone. Sheila’s children calculated exactly where the hole should be in the stone and where the stone should be in the field. They drilled the hole and drove the stone to its new home in the field using Sheila’s tractor.
On the morning of the summer solstice, just as the sun had just risen from the gloom, the light came pouring through the hole. It shimmered like cut glass on the morning dew covering the field. Victoria’s heart beat faster, strong and steady, as she always knew it someday would. And, feeling the awe that seeing this beauty creates, she understood that the goddess was never imprisoned within her, but rather had been waiting with her and all people for generations. She had been holding vigil until we came back to her with new understanding and commitment to partnership with her and all beings. It is now time for us to join all the other people on our planet who had never lost their traditions, as well as those who have, in a great circle of reverence, love, and peace that will return our endangered Earth and all beings on Her to health and harmony with all the cosmos above and below.
(End of the story)
(Meet Mago Contributor) Carolyn Lee Boyd