[Maternal Gift Economy: Breaking Through stands for a series of bi-weekly ongoing virtual salons. These salons are preceded by the virtual conference held on November 27, 2020.]
[Words of Invitation] Drawing on Maternal Gift Economy theory, the suppressed wisdom of women, and the traditions and ethics of Indigenous societies, this integrated programme of presentations sponsored by the International Feminists for a Gift Economy Network will offer new insights, perspectives, and challenges to the underlying market-based mentality of the dominant world order.
In this time of crisis and systemic upheaval, the model of the Maternal Gift Economy on which our survival depends at the beginning of life, is being revealed and celebrated. The interdependence of all living beings can now be made visible and honored.
Mother Earth provides the model of an economy based on gifting that we receive as young children from our nurturers—before we are alienated into market exchange. We must make the transition from the exploitive Euro-American patriarchal/dominating and capitalistic ideology to a gift-based economy and culture grounded in the values of nurturing and care rather than competition and greed.
We invite you to join us in exploring the possibilities in this series of presentations and dialogues that bring together those who have been laboring to articulate the principles of the Maternal Gift Economy, protect Indigenous values, and practice peaceful and just community building. The time is now for all humans to cooperate rather than compete. Please join us!
Video Conference is featuring Darcia Narvaez, Mary Condren, Heide Goettner-Abendroth, Sherri Mitchell, Dr. Vandana Shiva, and Genevieve Vaughan and moderated by Letecia Layson.
For information about speakers, see here.
For more information on the Maternal Gift Economy, see here.