[This is a summary of discussion that took place around 2014 in The Mago Circle, Facebook group.]

Marka Zenmyo: Lash goes into the roots of magic, magi, and majestic, which is a word that has been coming to mind recently. Majesty. Majestic. It’s really a beautiful word.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Jigsaw puzzles are putting together. Below from https://www.livius.org/articles/concept/magians/.
Magians (Old Persian Maguš): experts in Iranian religious – probably: oral – traditions, perhaps belonging to a Median tribe. They are to be distinguished from priests.
Magians and magicians
When discussing the Magians of ancient Persia, one thing should be clear from the very start: Magians have nothing to do with magic or wizardry. The confusion, however, is understandable or – in any case – very old. In the sixth century BCE, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus directed his prophecies
against the wanderers of the night: the Magians, the Bacchantes, the Maenads, and initiates. Heraclitus threatens them with tortures after death, he threatens them with fire, for what they believe to be initiations in the mysteries are in fact impious rites.
Heraclitus’ threats are well chosen, because, as we will see below, the Magians venerated fire and believed in rewards and punishments after death, which was a common religious idea in Iran.
This was the first time that the word “Magians” was used negatively. Later authors lumped the expression together with words like “charlatan” and “wizard” and gave the word its now common meaning. The famous Macedonian philosopher Aristotle of Stagira (384-322), who had not spent part of his life in Persia’s western territories for nothing, felt himself forced to state explicitly “that the Magians neither know nor practice sorcery”.note
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: On Magian Order:
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: https://www.amazon.com/Not-His-Image…/dp/193149892X
Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of…
Marka Zenmyo: One of the most important books I’ve ever read. Period.
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Yes, I can see that. Magoism is not in the picture yet. I am excited as well!
Lizzy Bluebell: Helen Hye-Sook Hwang – “Not in His Image” – an enlightening ex-posit-ion!! Utter respect !! Thankyou! I so agree !! Some initial, important points to ponder:
1. “The NHL uses the Coptic RHOME and the Greek anthropos interchangeably for humanity, the species, not “man,” the male gender, andros in Greek.” YES! This sleight-of-hand is also how the esoteric symbol for the YONIC RO/RU (Vesica Pisces or Piscis meaning SOURCE) was inverted by the Egyptians into a horizontal MOUTH symbol – then further inverted by Constantine’s Labarum – Greek RHO (P) superimposed by an “X” (Chi). Similarly, the US dollar $ sym-bowl achieves the same ‘end’ – by pronging Sophia’s feminine ‘silent-gnosis’ and energy on his RO-D – which ‘he’ rode with roads to Rome and Rho-des.
2. “The Gnostic teacher today would insist that intervention is an event to be discovered as it is happening, rather than predicted as an act of divine will, or merely observed as a spectacle that requires no human involvement. The conditions that precede intervention, as well as the conditions in which it comes to be implemented or manifested, are to be determined by human imagination and critical intelligence, not by blind faith.” YES! My fav way of seeing it “the balls are still in the air” – we are still juggling them – but I sense the ‘fat lady is singing’ and also, that she has now emerged from the ‘back room’.
3. “The assertion that “her name is Silence” presents a clue pointing to the way that Sophia intervenes in the world event. It is instructive to combine that clue with another key passage from the cosmological text, On the Origin of the World (II, 5.25)
When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: “You are mistaken, blind one — false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your spectral forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter’s clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.
For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been.” YES ! It’s clear (to me) that all book-burnings of the past were such attempts!
4.Your story of the silent child drawing and scribbling gave me goosebumps – this is me!! This is ME now, and was the same me at age five. I CAN speak, but rarely do. I write and scribble instead!
Trista Hendren: I wrote out a ton of quotes from that book when I read it several years ago. Good stuff!
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: You can see how “Mago” is linguistically co-related across cultures and regions here. You can do the keyword search with “Magus” and “Magi” etc. as well. Hope this helps, let me know please.
Kirsten Brunsgaard Clausen: It´s thrilling, isn’t it?!
Marka Zenmyo shared a link (on August 25, 2016)
My [Marka Zenmyo’s] notes: Ancient cultures used sound and water to harness the earth’s magnetic energy to amplify food production, healing centers, etc… Then she goes deeper into Chavin culture (Peru) and Egyptian culture. Finding parallels in the use of magnetic energy. She talks about magnetic field around Earth and around us as a protective shield against high frequency rays. Theorizes about future Zero Point could signify shift out of body consciousness into body-less consciousness… The Sine Wave. Path of the Sun is the East West feminine energy line that forms a sine wave as it travels around the earth. North south is masculine. The Sun’s path used to go right through Giza. Then Earth’s axis shifted. Lion is exactly where Path of the Sun crossed the Path of the Earth (The Great Year) which travels in opposite direction. The double spiral pattern. Heart is that silent space. no frequency pure light. no color. when we breathe through our heart, the breath carries the sine wave energy. That path of light is the Cosmic Serpent, with the magnetic spark in the breath is the feminine energy that sets everything in motion, immediately becomes multi-color frequency, sound, archetypes unfold, etc. The breath enables us to measure time and space. The breath itself is magnetic. Our perception is based on where we are at in that breath. Time and space collapses… we can even shape shift as we get closer to the heart. Breath of Life from the Heart allows us to see unity. When we transmute the polarity we come into harmony. Why scarabs? Scarabs are attuned to the magnetic lines and follow them to bury their egg-filled dung balls, rolling them up a hill EXACTLY along the path of the Milky Way. They are both female and male. Their wings aren’t used to fly in the typical sense. Rather, they are magnetic and function like hover craft, navigating the patterns of this reality through following the magnetic flow.
Theorizes that ancient culture used the magnetic ley lines to navigate the entire globe via oceans. magi=magnetic (Mago!!!)
Magician is the one who can sense the magnetic energy and then harness it!
feline – iron lines – iron is magnetic….
pyramid: fire along the meridian
cats like to sleep on magnetic fields. the feline sculptures in Egypt, Peru, etc., were placed on the most powerful magnetic lines and crossings.
Put some more pieces of the puzzle together…
How Ancients Harnessed Ancient Magnetic Meridians – PATRICIA AWYAN 2016 [Currently unavailable]
[A new video in Youtube by Patricia Awyan is suggested: “Patricia Awyan | Ancient Egyptian Cosmology, Symbolism And Mythology.”]
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Breathtaking, esp. in “Theorizes that ancient culture used the magnetic ley lines to navigate the entire globe via oceans.”
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: A small insight that I gained on “Heart is that silent place” after watching a video clip how a little deaf girl communicates with a deaf dog. It is not the vibration that makes them bonded and communicated. It is the heart/mind/body/soul that connects and makes them happy. Does this mean that the heart/mind/material/soul of the Creatrix initiate the movement/vibration of creativity? In that sense, how important our heart/mind/physical/soul connections are to continue the power of creativity!
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Or the bonded heart/mind/body/soul cannot be separated from the movement/vibration nature of all beings!
Helen Hye-Sook Hwang: Re: “Theorizes that ancient culture used the magnetic ley lines to navigate the entire globe via oceans.”
I haven’t shared/written about this in detail yet. But this knowing was based on the construction of water ways (later known/developed as moats) during Sinsi (Danguk) and Budo (Joseon) confederacies of Old Magoism.
More to the point, the triad mountain isles are known to be located in East Asia, later projected to the Sea of Korea, because the civilization of Budo uses waterways (seaways).
(To be continued)
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Re-Semble. Resemblance.