[Author’s Note: She who gives life, She who gives form: Female Cosmogonies is an English translation of the original Italian book, Colei che dà la Vita Colei che dà la Forma. Below is from the back cover:
How the creation of the universe was imagined and transmitted for millennia in different places on Earth long before the myth of Adam and Eve, and how it still speaks to our present.
A collection of extraordinary creation lore stretching from Asia to Oceania, from Africa to America, from the Mediterranean to India, where the origin of the cosmos is referred as female. The Mother/Goddess was She who gave Life and Form, that is the Rules and Teachings necessary to the never-ending renewing of Creation.
Before the rise of patriarchy, in the golden Ages of earthly Paradises, the daughters and sons of the Mother lived following the Path of Balance and Harmony between nature and human societies.]
Preface to the English Edition
This book was first published in Italy in 2007, but its lore is in no danger of falling out of date.
What has changed to some degree since then is the information contemporary scientific disciplines have been able to offer regarding the historical contextualization that I propose in each chapter: the growing interest about our deepest roots has led to many advancements in terms of population genetics based on ancient DNA, statistical studies on climatic changes, their impact on human cultures, palethnology – especially when run by women. These areas of study are all contributing more detailed data about the Earth’s distribution of emerging lands in different eras and about the movements of peoples, their interactions or isolation, in a process which involved our far distant ancestors all around the world. And this often helps to confirm the knowledge contained in many tales, to establish connections between recurrent themes in different parts of the world, and to appreciate the gems of wisdom they still disclose.
The first source for this research was Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood. A Treasury of Goddess and Heroine Lore from Around the World by Merlin Stone, first published in 1979. In general, many of the ideas in that book are still valid. Stone was a major forerunner in the field of mythology and visual art. She is now walking in the Realm of our Ancestors, surrounded by the gratitude of a generation of female scholars and investigators into the misty memories of banned civilizations.
She who gives Life, She who gives Form focuses on that particular kind of very old stories which explain how Mother Nature began to expand through all her creatures, and how She lay down the rules to follow for the continuation of Creation on this planet. Momolina Marconi, an Italian professor of religious history, classified these types of stories as “Existential myths (or cosmogonies), which explain the origins and the secret force that brings forth life and Providential myths which more than cosmogonies guarantee the salvation of future life”.
My effort to present them to the contemporary reader – far from providing an exhaustive gallery on the subject – is to offer a glimpse into some of these stories, as geological samples retrieved from delving into the deepest layers of earth can do.
This selection also addresses crucial themes of our time: the conflictual relationship between women and men, their different approach and vision of life and death, the forgotten connection between humans and nature, the fulfilling of needs without the brutal exploitation of other living species or of “second class citizens”. May we remember the lessons of our ancestors and reemerge once more as a species with a future!
The narration takes the form of chapters that focus on different continents and on how they unveil the Wisdom of the Mothers in the Beginning.
From the forces and energies at work in nature and the cosmos as waves generated from a primordial explosion and in perennial search of new balance, the order of number Eight develops (myths of China and Japan), expanding into the tones of a cosmic music which condenses fluctuating energy into physical matter (Korea). The Creatrix appears when Music plays in attunement, and Her well-being multiplies parthenogenetically in these moments of balance. Next, when the continuous dance polarizes in yin and yang energies, new ruptures become necessary for life to proceed in this earthly form; and the drama of separation from oneness and the labour of the soul in embodiment manifest (Islands and Continents of the Pacific Ocean).
Subsequently, life in human sexualized bodies requires the invention of a refined community, a sense of belonging, a constant connection creating spiritual and physical harmony (Africa). When this is achieved and encoded in cellular tissue as well as in social organization, Beauty is generated by civilizations in balance that contain polarities and prevent them from becoming divergent and destructive (North America).
But if disjointed impulses prevail, violence through rough and rigid hierarchies cause the end of harmony, and the fall out of balance propagates assuming the form of an artificial order and rule (Mediterranean Sea and Levant): a mental grid is invented, dismembering, and reducing the cosmovision into a male centered world vision. Still, the Mother of all possibilities resists, along different paths and adjustments in the impermanence of the Creation (India).
Will humankind be able to carry Creation on through a new “evolutive leap”, reestablishing the balance between now opposing polarities and conflicting energies? Or are we being pulled into the Abyss of the cosmic Cauldron to be re-generated once more in another form?
(To be continued)
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